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Spiritual Celebrities

Lucy Liu Creates Book of Art & Meditation

Actress Lucy Liu is well-known for her television and movie roles, including Charlie’s Angels, and Chicago, but she is also an artist who recently showed 72 of her ink and acrylic paintings on paper at Salon Vert Gallery in London.

“The paintings are inspired by the 72 Names of God – esoteric sequences of Hebrew letters – that some believe can help in the journey to find enlightenment for mind, body and spirit,” according to the Salon Vert Web site.

Liu also has a new book featuring the paintings called “Lucy Liu: Seventy Two,” and she explained to CNN.com that she was “inspired by a chart containing a graph of Aramaic letters and her fascination with how the energy of those letters could create something.”

“Each square of the chart has a significance which relates to the meditation of prosperity, healing, unity, things like that,” she said in the report. “As an art book you can flip through it and then if you want to go deeper, you can go in the back and for each painting there’s a meditation and you can read that as well.”

Liu wrote the meditations herself, which she said was challenging because she didn’t want to come off “didactic or someone who knows it all,” she told CNN.com. “There is actually something quite incredible about someone who believes something and can actually manifest that in their lives.”

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