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Uncovering Synchronicity & Living an Elevated Existence

As part of our current “Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit,” I taught a 1-hour class called “Uncovering Synchronicity & Living an Elevated Existence.”

During the class, (listen to it here) I shared the story of how my mother’s death from a sudden brain aneurism three days after Christmas in 1999, ultimately sent me on a search for more – more answers, more meaning and more understanding.

Only 10 months after she died, my sister and I went to see a psychic medium named George Anderson, and after the one-hour reading my entire life changed (even though I was totally skeptical beforehand). I realized there was so much more to life – and death – then I had ever imagined, and my life has never been the same. I was 22 years old.

At age 29, I began to notice synchronicity in my life, and looking back now, I can see how it led me to create Elevated Existence Magazine a year later at age 30. Signs and synchronicity continue to lead my life today, and I also continue to hear from my mother – usually when I least expect it, but always when I need it most.

I decided to make the class available online because of the amazing and loving response I got from it. You can click here to listen to the talk in which I reveal:

— How to uncover synchronicity in the past to help with your future (an exercise)
— The key to any lasting change
— How to call in “elevated reinforcements” for help
— The prayer I start every day with after meditation
— Tips to increase your awareness of signs & synchronicity in your life
— My 5 “R’s” or Recommendations for Living an Elevated Existence

I hope you enjoy the class, and please leave comments below or email me at tammy@elevatedexistence.com to let me know what you think!

2 thoughts on “Uncovering Synchronicity & Living an Elevated Existence

  1. Andrea Picciurro says:

    Hello Tammy, That was an extraordinary journey you are on. Unfortunately something big like death must occur to open up to our purpose as it did in mine. Thank you for all the validation in my life through your words. I learn something new every time I listen, read or experiment that adds to my journey. God Bless you and your success :)Andrea

  2. I cannot put into words what your recorded statement on synchronicity has done to lift my soul to a more “elevated existence.” May you be blessed beyond measure for sharing such a powerful message with the world. Although I am familiar with the content, the information, today was the day when it all came together for me in a way that is inexplicable. I am forever grateful. Namaste.

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