VIDEO: One Thing NOT To Do When Manifesting by Tammy Mastroberte

When you are trying to manifest something into your life, there is one thing that will STOP you in your tracks every time.

I call in visiting “how land.”

Find out more in the quick video below, including the affirmation that will help.

And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more!

The Art of Manifestation

By Sherry Winn

Many people ask me about how to manifest their desires. They want a simple formula. Something they can do a single time and get instantaneous results. Imagine doing something just one time and being an expert. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

In the 23 years I was a collegiate basketball coach, we never practiced one time and then thought we were prepared to play a game. We created what we wanted by continually practicing, revising and testing our skills. It was an ongoing process to become a good team.

Every year I coached, I learned something new that enhanced my ability. I became more effective and efficient because I had enhanced my skills through repetition and research.

Manifesting your dreams is a process. It requires awareness and the desire to improve who you are.

You might have been practicing manifesting for years without awareness because you allowed your thoughts to think you rather than being in control of your thoughts. Maybe you created unwanted circumstances or people in your life by putting all your energy into what you did not want. Maybe you manifested dis-ease because you put too much energy into guilt or shame. Maybe you formed a life of continual challenges because you believed there was no gain without pain.

Now that you are aware energy goes where attention flows, you can begin to practice where you put your attention. This requires effort. Thoughts flow through us quickly and many times these are thoughts we have practiced thinking, which means we have to develop a new habit of thinking different thoughts.

For example, if you believed there was no gain without pain, and you told yourself that message 30 times a day for 5 years, you would have lodged that thought pattern into your brain 54,650 times. In order to change the neural networks you have created through repetition, you replace your no gain, no pain thought with another thought. Instead of believing gain is associated with pain, you shift your belief system to the idea that goals are attained through sustained attention and right action. Pain does not need to be part of the process.

How do you practice manifesting?

1.  Take the time to become aware of your thoughts. Write down your 10 biggest beliefs and then list how those beliefs are serving you. If your beliefs are not serving you, it is time to change them.

2.  Read personal development books that focus on the positive.

3.  Use your car as a library. When you get in your car, commit to listening to 10-15 minutes of an audio book that will help you grow.

4.  Meditate daily. This is huge. Meditation opens your awareness and it allows you to practice letting go of unwanted thoughts.

5.  Assign one notebook to your goals. Fold the page in half at the midline. Every day write down five goals written in terms of affirmations (as if the goal has already occurred) on one half of the page. On the other half of the page, write down what beliefs are preventing you from achieving your goals.

6.  Note the beliefs you have that are preventing you from achieving your goals. Work on changing those beliefs.

7.  Repeat your affirmations throughout the day. See the affirmations in your head. Act as if you are already living your dreams.

By practicing to manifest your dreams, you not only receive what you want, you enhance who you are. This is the true practice of manifestation — the process of becoming wiser, more joyful, happier, more loving and kind. Once you become who you want to be, you attract more of what you want.

Sherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

Using a Training Principle to Build Law of Attraction Success

By Sherry Winn

A few years ago, there was a big explosion around the law of attraction (LOA) due to the book, “The Secret.” The law of attraction was a buzzword. It seemed everybody was saying it. People were grabbing onto it like a lifeline, spouting out the words they had read as if the words themselves were going to produce mass miracles.

Then, like most fads, the fervor died down a bit. Many people claimed it was a conspiracy, a lie, or a plot to make money. After all, they had tried the philosophy behind the law of attraction and it had not worked for them; therefore, it must be false.

The problem with most people is when they heard about the law of attraction, they wanted to use it to solve their biggest issues on the first try. This is a little like being drastically out of shape and then deciding on your first run to conquer a marathon. If you had never run in your life except in elementary school on the playground, it might be a bit naïve of you to expect success on your first run.

If you were training for a marathon, even if you had been running three miles a day for several years, you wouldn’t go out on your first day and try to run 26 miles. You would know to gradually increase your mileage from three miles to six to 10, and then an occasional very long run. You would not expect your body to be able to adapt to 26 miles just because you decided you wanted to run that far. You would understand the necessity for starting small and building toward success.

This training principle is exactly the same for learning to use the law of attraction. You want to start with small steps, gain confidence and then build toward bigger goals.

In fact, when I heard about the law of attraction and the premise of it sounded so simple, I decided I wanted to heal my principal issue, chronic pain, which had caused me the biggest heartache. This made sense to me, because if there was a solution to my chronic pain, then I wanted to be able to cure it.

Here were the challenges that occurred for me when I went after my biggest issue first:

1.   I was too wrapped around the issue emotionally.

2.  My emotions were charged with negativity (pain and fear).

3.  I felt intense desire (which feeds the lack of something).

4.  It was difficult to get in alignment with the feeling of having something when I NEEDED it so badly.

5.  Because I had not experienced success with working with the LOA, I was working from a place of doubt, which brought in negative vibrations.

Needless to say I wasn’t successful which made me initially believe the LOA didn’t work, but because I was an athletic coach at the time, I also knew the importance of breaking down a skill in order to learn it. I decided to train for the LOA like I would train for a game. After all, I would never expect my athletes to succeed without breakdowns and repetitions of the skills I wanted them to learn.

Some of the things I learned which helped ease my pain and give me my lives back are:

1.  I practiced on something which wasn’t highly charged for me emotionally like getting a parking space.

2.  I focused on seeing what I wanted and feeling myself having it.

3.  I let go of any of the attachment I had to getting it.

4.  I had faith and belief that it would come to me at the right time.

5.  If I didn’t succeed on the first try, I let it go. Beating myself up over failure only added more negative energy.

I learned, as I practiced, I could manifest more things.

AND you can too.

Start with something small, something that doesn’t have a highly charged emotion attached to it. Gain confidence and knowledge, and then build toward your other goals.

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionSherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

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The Law of Attraction: The Emotions You Resist, Persist

By Sherry Winn

A general rule in the Law of Attraction states that whatever you resist tends to persist. If you have studied the Law of Attraction, you understand the concept that whatever you push against pushes back. It is why waging wars doesn’t work and why the fight against anything produces more of the same. It is an easy concept to grasp, but a difficult one to practice. We have been trained to push back, to fight and to struggle. We are complimented when we fight and told how strong and courageous we are. We are given medals, honors and rewards for being a great soldier, politician or athlete.

It goes against the fabric of our society to move toward things rather than against them, which is why the concept of allowing or surrendering seems meek, mild or even cowardly.

How then are we expected to allow negative emotions to pass through us? We are taught to fight them, and to push them away. We are told to “suck it up” or “just get through it” or even worse to “get back at” the person who harmed us. We are taught to seek revenge, to battle and to put our fists up in the air.

We have many coping mechanisms to extinguish our emotions: drinking, drugs, overeating, immersing ourselves in work and exercising. While exercising may be the most positive form of a coping mechanism, it can also simply be another method of running away or resisting what ails us.

When we feel heartache, we search for ways to push against it, to negate it and to not allow it to enter us. Have you ever felt a pain deep in your heart, felt the center of your chest start to squeeze as if it were in a vice? And what did you do? Did you surrender and allow yourself to feel or did you push against it, afraid of feeling the pain?

When we don’t allow the pain to enter, it is a form of resistance. We are, in fact, embedding that pain within our bodies. We are keeping it in our organs and our cells. The more we resist feeling something, the more it tends to remain within us. It has long been the practice of alternative healers to believe we house trapped emotions in our body. For instance, we keep anger in our liver and fear in our kidneys.

Think about the long-term effects of prolonged anger:

  •             inflammation of the joints
  •            headaches
  •            diabetes
  •            digestive disorders
  •            heart disease
  •            weakening of the nerves

When we resist our anger, when we keep it at the front and center of our thoughts, we are not releasing it. We are feeding it. We are increasing the resistance. We are creating a negative pit of emotions, which turn into dis-ease.

What would happen if instead of fighting an emotion, we relaxed into it?

Here are steps for allowing emotions to pass through us:

—- Breathe in the emotion, allowing it to move through the body without resistance. Sit with it. Simply notice it without any fear attached to the resentment, anger, sadness or despair. Continue to breathe it in.

—- Observe what the emotions feel like as they move throughout the body. Be there in your body and yet observe as if you are not there. Observe without judgment. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling.

—- After the intensity of the emotion reduces, give yourself permission to release the emotion out of your body, allowing it to flow through you and then releasing it gently.

—- Forgive yourself for your part in holding onto the negative emotion and for your part in creating it.

— Breathe again, slowly and gently. Think of expanding your heart. Opening it. Making it wider. Feel the possibility of love replacing the negative emotion you were holding.

Sherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

How to Rediscover Your Joy

By Jennifer Garza

In my last article Rediscovering Joy Beyond Fear, I outlined ways you can release fear in order to receive joy.

1) Realize you are connected to everyone and everything
2) Be honest with yourself
3) Make hard decisions.

Now, I’ll outline the “how” so you can implement the concept into your life.

*Realize you are connected to everyone and everything.
Meditation and/or prayer are an important key to feeling connected to a higher power. For most of the day, you are in a state of beta waves, and while beta waves are needed for critical thinking and navigating the world we live in, they can also increase stress. Also, as you age, the more beta waves you possess. Children, however (who experience a high level of joy) spend most hours of the day in alpha and theta brainwave states. While beta waves are associated with thinking and problem solving, it’s alpha and theta wavelengths that help you feel connected to the Universe. This can be achieved through meditation and prayer.

*Make a conscious effort to look and appreciate the world around you.
In today’s world, there is a push to stay busy. We’re off and running as soon as our eyes open in the morning until we hit the bed at night. We forget to stop and appreciate the beauty around us. When feeling stressed, you may feel pushed to get more done. Resist this urge, and instead, take a break. Go for a leisurely stroll in the park or down the street. Take special notice of the ice glassing over bare branches, or the pink in the sky as the sun sinks. Marvel at children bundled in parkas as they make snow angels. There is beauty everywhere, if only you look.

*Start a gratitude journal
By consciously looking for things to be grateful for, the more good you will notice in your life. The more good vibes you feel and send into the Universe, the more you will attract. It’s simple law of attraction.

*Be honest with yourself
As I mentioned in the last article, denying your pain blocks your path to joy. Our humanness causes us to avoid deep-rooted issues because we feel pain at facing them. But we fool ourselves into believing that by turning a blind eye it keeps us from pain. But not facing the pain, keeps us in a constant dis-ease. We are not fully aware of the negativity that hinders our joy because it’s beneath the surface. The way to release this pain is to finally confront it. Although initially we will experience more intense feelings, working through it will lift the weight that suppresses our joy. So how is this accomplished?

1–Sit quietly in a place with no distractions. Ask a higher power for help identifying the main issue in your life causing you pain. Sit in the stillness until you receive your answer.

2–Grab a pen and paper and begin to free write about this issue – where the root of it began; how it’s affecting your life currently; and how if left unaddressed, it will affect your future.

3–Seek help in resolving the issue. Read self-enhancement books or seek life coaching or therapy. Even if you take baby steps toward confronting your pain, you are sending a signal to the Universe that you are ready to release it.

4–Develop and recite a daily mantra, such as “Today, I am confronting and releasing my pain regarding X. I am supported by a higher power and know I can call upon that power for comfort and guidance.”

*Make hard decisions
To avoid pain, we resist making hard decisions. We shrug off our intuition and remain in situations we know are causing us pain. Remember you already know what needs changing in your life on a soul level. If you don’t recognize it, start asking yourself – the answer will come. At first, it might be a whisper, then the truth may be spoken through others, and eventually your soul will scream it.

*Acknowledge the voice inside you
While tough decisions do result in repercussions and pain, have faith that there is only joy on the other side. Embrace the joy.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her.