The Law of Attraction: How Many Times Should You Ask to Receive?

By Sherry Winn

How many times must you ask before you receive? Is there a perfect number?

It is easy to get stuck in the asking mode. After all, we have a habit of doing that in our lives. Did you ever ask your mother or father for something over and over again until they relented? Did you ever bug a brother or sister for a ride in their car until they said, “Okay?” Did you ever bother a coach for a chance to play until you got on the court?

We learned if we kept asking, most of the time we would get what we wanted.

So it is easy to understand our tendency to ask the Universe over and over again for our desires. But does that work in the Law of Attraction?

It seems like it should. After all the more we ask, the more it seems like the Universe would know how much we really want it. It keeps our desires right out there in the forefront of all that is. We want to be number one in line.

The problem with multiple asking is this: It starts to sound like begging or whining. Probably your mother or father gave in to you because they became exhausted from the constant torture of your asking. They were tired of your whining.

But the Universe is not based on the “Law of Whining.”

The Vibration of Having Vs. Lack
Think about it. When you are continually asking, are you asking from a place of having it or from a place of wanting it? When you beg, are you feeling good? What is your vibration when you are whining? The more you ask, the more you sound desperate. Desperation is opposite of the vibration you want to emit.

The Law of Attraction is based on getting what you think about most of the time. If you are repeatedly asking, you are coming from a place of lack, not from a place of having what you desire. You are actually thinking about NOT having what you want when you keep asking again and again.

How then do you continue to think about what you desire without asking?

1. Spend time every day visualizing in detail what you have asked for. Add color, sound, texture and emotion to the visualization. The closer you get to feeling it, the closer you get to having it.

2. Devote a small amount of the day pretending you have what you want. If you want a new house, actually go visit new houses. Look at them and pretend you already own the home.  See a dinner party you are holding at your new home. See your children running around the house or you enjoying the view. Make the house yours in your mind.

3. Go to the store or mentally shop online. Give yourself an amount you want to spend. Pick out the things you want. Spend your mental money on the things you desire. Feel how good it is to have them.

4. Take time to make a vision board. Glue all the things you want on the board. Enjoy the feeling of having the things as you create your board.

During your process of imagining, stop immediately if you find yourself thinking you can’t have it or you don’t deserve it.  If you start trying to figure out how it is going to happen, you might get lost in the belief that having it is too hard or impossible. Remember the most important thing when playing any daydreaming game it you must enjoy the process. Feeling is everything.

Start manifesting with something small you desire. Work on things you believe you can have and deserve to have. If you begin asking for one-million dollars while you are only making $50,000, you will probably find your mind is not ready for that leap. Go with something that feels natural to you until you find success with the process.

Remember: ask once and then begin to believe. It is not the asking which creates the outcome; it is the FAITH.

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionSherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

7 Reasons Why Every Day of the Week Matters

By Dr. William Constantine

The majority of us are so busy starting the week saying, “Is it Friday, yet?” that the rest of the week drags because we essentially strapped giant boulders to our legs as we try and “make it through.” Doing this sets the intention the week will be a struggle, and we are not even conscious of it.

However, we don’t have to let this be our routine anymore. We can follow a spiritually invigorating theme week instead, and in doing so, feel energized and revitalized – not only on Friday, but on Monday too! Yes, that’s right, I said the bad word – Monday. No longer will we have to have “Manic Mondays.” Let’s spiritually evolve our week and mindset towards something new.

Manifestation Mondays – This is the day where you set the intention – the outlook you seek for the end of the week. When dealing with intention, it’s important to deal in terms of feelings. When phrasing your intention, emotionally charge it with trigger words that fire you up.

“It’s another *$%# Monday,” doesn’t set the right intention, and you will undoubtedly create a “dreaded Monday.” Instead, set the intention that on Friday you will be “refreshed and renewed knowing I have fully contributed and loved openly, listened fully, and experienced all life had to offer.”

Totally different experience already, right? That is a week you want to start! As an artist puts a brush to a blank canvas, so do you at the start of every day.

Thankful Tuesdays – Today is dedicated to find things you are thankful for from the previous day. Trust me, there is always something to be thankful for, whether it’s an interaction with another, an experience, something you witnessed, a smile, etc. Take this experience you are thankful for and feel blessed because now this becomes your outcome of that day. It changes your focal point of the pervious day.

Taking it one step further, incorporate this philosophy throughout the rest of the week – until Sunday and then repeat.

Wizardly Wednesdays – This is your power day, as it is the day your realign and affirm you are on target for your intention. It’s the day you get real with yourself and your ability to manifest your day-to-day, moment-to-moment reality, and if you are holding on to “crap” from earlier in the week – it’s time to RELEASE and SURRENDER.

If you are holding on to something ask yourself, “What did I learn?” or “How did this make me better?”

Transcendent Thursdays – This is the day of reflection on the week’s outcomes so far. Look at how you have grown from life’s lessons, and how it has brought you closer to where you want to be. Today, you revel in the gold nuggets you have been collecting since “Thankful Tuesday,” and you sit with them. Notice how you feel as you awaken to the possibility of you.

Fruitful Friday – The tree bares fruit on this day as you experience your intention from Monday come into reality, but do not forget to be present and to continue the process. This is what life can truly be like – free and abundant – as long as your focusyou’re your intentions are pure.

Now, on Friday, you want to truly acknowledge the success of the week and your manifestation skills with a “pat on the back.” Whether you buy yourself lunch, new clothes, or something for the house – treat yourself for a manifestation well done.

Satisfaction Saturday – A free day to experience all you created and to enjoy life knowing you did so. This will continue your “pampering” yourself by allowing yourself to be free and do something you enjoy doing.

Soulful Sunday – Today you give back to the essence of you – your soul. This is a day, where you focus on giving yourself a spiritually fulfilling experience; a walk in the park, meditation on a mountaintop; or attending a sermon or lecture from a spiritual guru. At the end of Sunday, you come into alignment with what you wish to set for the intention the following week.

When you set your week up like this, life is an enjoyable journey, which is intended to be. You sit at the helm, holding the creative license to that which you will become. You’ll notice how much more freedom you’ll experience outside of stress and anxiety.

william_cWilliam Constantine is a lifestyle expert, global leader for non-profit work and has a Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences. Used as a source on Nancy Grace, Fox Business News, ABC, NBC, and other media outlets, Constantine is an expert on how to break free from fear- based realities and conditional thinking as it relates to life and career choices. For more inforamtin, visit his Web site, follow him on Twitter: @wmconstantine, or visit his Facebook Page.

Getting in Tune with Our Subconscious Mind

By Sherry Winn

The laws of the mind never have a time-out. We want to believe we think in positive terms, knowing what we think about most of the time is attracted into our lives. Yet, often in a day, we mentally say things like, “My legs hurt,” “My back aches,” or “I’m tired.” Every time we speak or think words, we are attracting these things to us.

How many times have you joined a conversation that included somebody complaining about something? Searching for sympathy, how many times have your shared stories of your injuries, pains or heartaches with friends only to discover your friends attempting to one-up you with their woes? How many times have you watched a news program or read an article thinking how horrible or awful the story was only to share it with others several times throughout the day?

You were probably unaware you were invoking the law of attraction throughout the day as you repeated these negative words and thoughts. This law of the mind does not only work when you are paying attention to it – It works 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

The undesired creation of events from our lack of awareness of our harmful thoughts and words is one of the reasons why people believe the law of attraction does not work. We fail to truthfully observe what we are thinking and saying. We are naïve to the fact that we have a habitual way of living, which encompasses the sharing of our pains, heartaches and misgivings with others as a part of the normalcy of our day.

Consistency is Key
We believe if we concentrate for a few minutes a day on affirmations, then we are doing what is necessary to make a shift. While this is a great start to creating change, we need to realize whatever we are repeating throughout the day is a true indication of what we are feeling. What we consistently feel is what we will attract into our lives.

If we begin the day with a short meditation or by embracing what is on our vision boards, we are momentarily attracting our dreams. However, if we spend the rest of the day after our morning sessions complaining, whining, doubting, judging or comparing, then most of our day is spent failing to be aligned with our desires.

The key is to be aware of our habits, actions, words and thoughts. We can’t behave as if a 10-minute session of positivity in the morning will counteract all the other damaging moments of the day.

The Subconscious Mind is the Creator
We spend most of our life creating things unconsciously and then believe we have suffered from bad luck or injustice. For example, when people suffer from an illness, they will stand steadfast in their beliefs that they would have never created such a horrible thing intentionally. Of course, they don’t want to be ill and they might not have ever said, “I want this disease,” but did they say other things that could have created dis-ease in their bodies?

Here are some things they might have been subconsciously saying which created a result they didn’t desire:

  • I am not good enough.
  • Nobody will ever love me.
  • I can’t forgive myself for what I did to my son, daughter, friend, etc.
  • I deserve to be punished.
  • I will never let anybody get close to me again because I can’t trust others.
  • I can’t trust myself.
  • I’ll never forgive that person for what she did to me. She doesn’t deserve forgiveness.

These messages are creating an unwanted result. These individuals are not attracting love, compassion, goodness, joy, peace, or kindness to themselves. They are thinking and therefore receiving the opposite of all they desire.

Remember it is our subconscious processes that decide what is going to happen in our outer experiences. By questioning ourselves, really paying attention, and focusing on our life patterns and the habitual things we do daily, we can begin to hear our unconscious minds. Then, when we are honest with ourselves, we can begin to make huge shifts.

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionSherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

How to Feel Good and Get What You Desire

By Sherry Winn

Most of us who have been following the Law of Attraction know the premise: Like attracts like; you get what you think about most of the time; or it is done to each one of us as we believe.

We understand we want to attract into our lives the things we desire. We try to get our minds to cooperate with us, to bend toward those thoughts, and yet somewhere we fall short of actually getting what we want. Why does this happen?

One of the most critical elements of using the Law of Attraction is to FEEL GOOD, to get into the place of believing it has already happened. How can we do this when we have lost a loved one, when our bodies are sick, when we have been fired from a job, or when the partner we loved betrayed us? How can we get into this feel-good place when all the physical things we see are not what we desire?

The first thing we must realize is we cannot know what an event means. We do not have the power to see beyond the moment. What we believe is horrific may be the very thing which opens the doorway for our dreams. We don’t know what we don’t know! It sounds so simple, yet is so complex because we tend to live in a visual state of being. We don’t see the things we are manifesting through our requests. We don’t have the faith that what we asked for has already been created. So instead of moving forward and acting as if we already have our desires, we live in a continual state of believing only what we see before our eyes.

As long as we are living “what is” we cannot feel what we have created. We have to believe we have already created this nonphysical event, and it is waiting for us to get in alignment with our creation.

When we become impatient and ask, “Where are my requests,” we go directly to the feeling of not having it. When we feel we don’t have what we want, we become anxious, bitter, worried, frustrated, discouraged, dejected, and allow hopelessness to crowd into our hearts and brains.

The next thing we have been taught to do in our physical bodies is to push toward what we want. We think we have to strive for it, to focus all our efforts on it, to strain our muscles, to exhaust our bodies, to go as hard as we can for as long as we can in order to touch our goals. While we do have to take action steps to acquire our desires, we do not want to get in the habit of feeling the push, which is just another way of resisting.

Since we know what we resist tends to persist, we have to learn to move forward, taking action while keeping our minds and bodies feeling good. There is a difference between pushing for something and allowing something to occur.

When we work with the thought of allowing, things flow easier. When we work with the action of pushing, of gritting our teeth and clenching our fists to get through something, we are resisting.

When we push from this place of resistance, we no longer feel good, which is the primary thing we must do in order to get in alignment with our creation.

How to Feel Good
We know the goal is feeling good, but how do we reach for the place of feeling good? Here are some solutions:

— Establish a daily routine of meditation.
— Read spiritual works.
— Listen to uplifting music.
— Stop and breathe in the beauty of the day.
— Have an attitude of gratitude.
— Visualize feeling and being in your dreams.

If you can’t seem to get there and the feel-good emotion is eluding you, there is another short-cut to feeling good which is called, “Asking What-if Questions.” To do this, you start on a rampage of asking what-if questions which lead to a better feeling place. The goal is not to answer the questions, but to simply allow yourself to ask. Let your mind feel the question and then ask another question before you negate your answer with logic.

  • What if my body felt like I could hike a mountain today?
  • What if I met the partner of my dreams today?
  • What if I had so much money I could donate $100,000 to a great cause?
  • What if I had the means to travel to anywhere in the world?
  • What if my body was in perfect health?

Remember feeling good is necessary to attracting your dreams. When you feel you are pushing, you are not in the place of alignment. When you are frustrated or impatient, you are not where you need to be. Use a feel-good technique to attract what you desire.

Sherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

Are You Following Your True Soul Path

By Jennifer Garza

We all stumble. It’s part of the learning experience we set for ourselves before our journeys here on Earth. There is always something to learn – even when we find ourselves off our pre-chosen path.

Many times, these lessons are the most important but finding our way back to the truth is equally vital.  What are the signs that your soul is living its true path? Here are three benchmarks for you to go by:

1. You feel light. You smile spontaneously and look at the world with fresh eyes, noticing the beauty around you. You feel connected with everyone and everything, and know you are crossing paths with other souls meant to enrich your earthly experience.

On the other hand, signs you are making choices not benefitting your path include frustration, stress, feelings of being smothered, and feeling as if you must walk on eggshells with those around you. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, understand there is something out of balance. These are signs that change must come to restore your inner balance.

Begin to pay attention to how you feel around others and in your surroundings. Despite fear, acknowledge what is harming you and remove it from your life.

2. The world feels magical. You receive signs all around you, and things fall into place effortlessly. When you are following your true path, roadblocks disappear and opportunities chase you around every corner. You put intentions into the Universe, and it responds with speed.

If you are encountering roadblocks, your thoughts are focused on your worries – not your desires. Sit in a quiet place and intentionally let go of all fears and focus solely on what you wish to create in your life. Do not worry about how it will happen. Instead, feel as if it already is.

3. You have unwavering faith. Faith is the key component to the evolution of your soul. Faith must come first, and the joy will naturally follow. How do you know if your faith is strong? The desires for achieving what you want for yourself fades, and you embrace what comes your way. You place your soul’s destiny in the hands of a higher power, knowing that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

When you embrace the concept of faith, doubt about what is to come slides away. When you have faith and understand its power, fear and doubt present themselves as the illusions they really are.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her. 

Editor’s Advice: Where Do You Need to Give?

Have you ever noticed different themes showing up in your life and repeating themselves? Maybe you decided its time to switch your car insurance, and suddenly you see a car insurance commercial, get an e-mail to check your rates, and overhear someone in line at the supermarket talking about the great deal they got when switching to a new insurance company.

Or maybe you decided to make healthy changes to your diet, and you came across a program on PBS about plant-based living, got an e-mail from Barnes and Noble about a new anti-inflammatory cookbook, and a friend told you she signed up for a vegan cooking class.

Is it a coincidence? Could it be the law of attraction – attracting what you are focused on? Or is the universe sending you a message about the right path for you? Whatever the answer, when things pop up for me repeatedly, I always pay attention. Lately, the theme of giving has been on my radar. The first sign came when Elevated Existence ran an article covering a live teleseminar with Neale Donald Walsch, where he shared three secrets to end struggle in our lives. One of the practices he adopted when struggling years ago was to give, no matter how little he had himself.

“I would give someone money even though I didn’t have much. I would say to myself, ‘what if I had enough and that was so much, I could give it away.’ So I began to give it away,” he said during the teleseminar. “I did the same with relationships and compassion. I found people who wanted the same things I wanted and decided to be the source of it. Suddenly, I found those same things flowing through me.”

The second reminder about giving came when one of our contributing editor’s, Jennifer Garza, wrote an article recently posted on Elevated Existence’s Web site entitled: “Attracting More Prosperity Through Giving.”

“Remind yourself daily that sharing attracts sharing. When your vibration is open and giving, you will attract others who will open and give to you. Give openly and without expectation. If you feel people ‘owe’ you, you will attract more situations where you feel people ‘owe’ you,” she said in the article.

So many of us get caught up in the bills we need to pay, and the lack we feel or see in our lives, whether it’s money, compassion, friendship or love. But when we give these things to someone else, we can’t help but feel them ourselves. Walsch explained how at one point he found himself homeless, and when he had 10 cents, he would give 5 cents away. What if we skipped the expensive latte and gave those few dollars to a charity we believe in, or to a friend who is struggling even more than we are?

Now, as N.J. — where Elevated Existence is headquartered — faces the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, humanity is in need of giving more than ever. The way I see it, there is no downside to giving. It makes you feel good, and it makes the receiver feel good. It raises your vibration so you attract even more – and then you have more to give! And the best place to start is where you feel lack in your own life.

Whether its holding the door open for the person following you into a store, helping a friend through a difficult time by offering a listening ear and a compassionate heart, or donating time or money to a charity or cause you support, this month try to give something away each day – no matter how small. That is my plan, and I hope you will join me!

Blessings and love to you all!

Tammy Mastroberte
Founder, Publisher & Editorial Director
Elevated Existence Magazine