March 2011 Issue: Russell Simmons


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Cover Story: Rich from the Inside Out

In his new book, Russell Simmons reveals how his daily spiritual practices contribute to his success, teaching others that wealth begins by going within.

Editor’s Letter: Success Starts on the Inside

Free Preview: The Power of Conscious Breathing

Incorporating breath exercises into daily life will improve the body, mind and spirit starting with the first inhale.

Also Featured in This Issue:

  • Book Spotlight: A Grandmother’s Wisdom — New York Times best-selling author, Tim Sanders’ new book Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence, reveals secrets he learned from his grandmother Billye.
  • Healing Corner: The Flu Vaccine: Fact or Fiction — It’s recommended for the young, the old and just about everyone in between, but does it really make a difference?
  • NEW Soul Connections: Finding the Perfect Mate — Love relationships help us to grow as human beings when we remember that each of us is responsible for our own happiness.
  • Calling All Angels: Powerful Protector — Archangel Michael offers protection, guidance with life purpose and courage to all who ask for his assistance.