March 2014 Issue: Doreen Virtue

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Cover Story: Doreen Virtue – Earth Angel Guidance
The bestselling author shares how Earth angels can learn assertiveness, let go of toxic relationships and call upon the angels for help.

Editor’s Letter: Earth Angel School (FREE Preview)

The Yoga Code: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World by Jackie Dumaine
Live with more peace, balance and joy following these 10 universal principles of the Yoga Sutras.

Book Spotlight: Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein
In her new book, “Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow and Finding Your True Purpose,” bestselling author Gabrielle Bernstein mixes teachings from “A Course in Miracles,” Kundalini yog and other spiritual traditions, offering tools for forgiveness, releasing negativity, healing and more.

Intuitive Intelligence by Sonia Choquette
Our intuition hold the key to the highest level of human intelligence, and is available to us all once we learn to activate it.

NEW! Pet Talk: How Our Animals Communicate (FREE PREVIEW) by Joan Ranquet
Using telepathy, we can all learn to send information to our pets, and pick up on the signals they send back.

Food as Medicine: The Raw Food Diet – What You Need to Know by Christine M. Okezie, CHHC
We can all benefit from eating a more plant-based diet and incorporating some raw foods into our meals, but is an all-raw diet right for you?

Healing Corner: Is Modern Wheat Making You Sick by Cathi Stack, ND
With much of today’s wheat being genetically altered, this grain is leading to obesity, inflammation, diabetes and more.

Soul Connections: Relationships & Independence by Dr. Craig Martin
We can maintain our individuality, make time for a career and thrive in a relationship at the same time by finding balance.

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