December 2010 Issue: Shirley MacLaine




Cover Story: Blazing a Spiritual Trail

Long before the wave of metaphysical and new age thought became mainstream, Shirley MacLaine unleashed her esoteric beliefs into the world, paving the way for spirituality today.

Editor’s Letter: Beyond the Opinion of Others

FREE Preview: Meditation by Design — Setting the tone for a meditation space—be it an entire room or a cozy corner—begins with the right design.

Also Featured in This Issue:

  • Editor’s Inspirational Gift Picks — Elevated Existence editors chose some of their favorite gift ideas to help spread hope, love, faith and inspiration to others.
  • Book Spotlight: The Secrets of Spiritual Evolution — From reincarnation to the karmic principle of cause and effect, Karma and Reincarnation: Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment, by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis, reveal information about the soul’s journey to enlightenment.
  • Healing Corner: Healing From the Inside Out — Pronounced clinically dead during heart surgery, 30-year-old Karen Jones struggled to recover until she discovered Kundalini Yoga, and finally began to heal—body, mind and soul.
  • Healing Corner: Releasing Through Ritual — Whether moving from one decade of life to another, letting go of a lost love or overcoming fear, rituals help us let go and allow a better version of ourselves to emerge.
  • Calling All Angels: Earth Angels — The light and playful energy of faeries, or nature angels, protect the Earth, watch over our pets, and are known to play jokes on us from time to time.
  • Energy Awareness Radio: Let’s Talk Tantra — Certified sex therapist, Dr. Sally Valentine dispels the myths about tantric sex, and reveals practices that can be incorporated into the lives of any couple.