Calling in Elevated Reinforcements Prayers

You asked for it, so here you go — my morning prayer (to call in elevated help AND open yourself up to signs & synchronicities) AND a prayer to help you call in elevated help for other people!

NOTE: If you this topic of “Elevated Reinforcements” resonates with you, I’ll be teaching an expanded 2-week class on this topic as part of the Elevated Existence Membership Community next month (April 2018), so join us now (and get ALL the other benefits of membership too)!



Dear God/Universe/Spirit, I call on my angels, spirit guides, loved ones who have passed on, and all those in my soul community – only those of the highest vibration – to be with me today. I ask that you please open my eyes, ears, heart and mind to what I need to know and be aware of today, including any signs and synchronicities you may send my way. Please help me to recognize them when they arrive.

Archangel Michael, please surround me with your love and light and protect me from taking on any energy that is not mine today, and keep me in a place of love within. Archangel Raphael, please continue to heal my body and return it to its perfect state of health, and please send me to all the people, doctors, healers, modalities and opportunities to help me do so.

[Add in anything you are personally struggling with, want guidance on or need help with right now, and include any angels, masters etc. here to help as well.]

Thank you for all you have done in the past, all you will do today, and all you will do in the future. Amen. Namaste.


“Dear God or Universe, etc. I call in on behalf of [insert name], her/his angels, guides, loved ones who have passed and all those in her/his own soul community — only those of the highest vibration — to please help her/him with [insert problem/issue]. Please help her/him to open her/his awareness and see the help you provide and the signs you send. Help her/him to raise her/his vibration and find solutions to the problems she/he is facing, and peace within. Amen.”