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Alternative Healing

Natural Treatments for Migraine Sufferers

In a recent Fox News report, Chris Kilham, a medicine hunter who researches natural remedies all over the world, wrote about natural remedies for migraines, including feverfew, which was also promoted by Dr. Oz.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is derived from leaves of the plant feverfew, and in clinical trials, “a feverfew extract reduced the frequency of migraine attacks and a feverfew/ginger formulation prevented mild headache before the onset of moderate to severe headache in patients with migraine,” the author wrote.

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) is a shrub historically used for a variety of health issues including pain, headache, anxiety, cough, fever, gastrointestinal and urinary tract conditions, as well as wound healing when used topically. Today, it is also used for nasal allergies, allergic skin reactions, asthma, and migraine headache.

“Using an extract from butterbur root over 16 weeks can reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches by almost half,” the author wrote. “Doses of at least 75 mg twice daily seem to be necessary for best results.”

Petadolex, a brand of butterbur, has demonstrated effectiveness in relieving migraines.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is when a person breathes in pure oxygen in a pressurized room that results in increased stem cell production. This effects healing throughout the entire body. Three studies showed patients had significant relief from migraines within 40 to 45 minutes of treatment compared to a placebo, the author reported.

Acupuncture studies show improvements in how often headaches occur, and when medication is needed. Specifically a study in the British Medical Journal, showed adults aged 18 to 65 year olds with chronic headaches (at least two a month) received up to 12 acupuncture sessions over a three-month period, the author reported.

A year later, researchers found that those who received acupuncture experienced 22 fewer days with headaches; used 15 percent less medication; made 25 percent fewer visits to their doctor; and took 15 percent fewer days off sick from work than the control group.

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