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Spiritual Self Help Apps

VIDEO: Insight Timer Meditation App Connects Meditators Around the World

Created by an app developer and meditator, Insight Timer meditation app for the iPhone, Android and iPad, takes an at-home meditation session to the next level by connecting the user to others who are meditating at the same time around the world.

Through the Insight Connect piece of the app, users can register and view who is meditating at the same time they are, and also see the number of current meditators using the app. There is also the ability to interact with one another.

“The idea behind the community part is to provide the experience of being part of a meditation group even though you may be meditating alone,” said Brad Fullmer, who created the app.

While functioning as a timer, it uses Tibetan singing bowls as bells at the beginning and end of a session, and users can choose which bells they want to here, the length they play and whether they are on a fixed scheduled or used randomly throughout the meditation. It also includes a meditation journal, tracks your sessions, and rewards users with stars for milestones, including 10 consecutive days of meditation.

View the below video tutorial for more information:

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