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How I Tested the Universe & You Can Too

I’ve always been a girl who looks for proof. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me, but the more detail and proof I can get on something, the better. I’m always up for a challenge or test to find out for myself if something is actually true, and that is what author Pam Grout offers in her New York Times bestselling book “E-Squared: Nine Do-It Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Thoughts Create Your Reality.” So I took her up on the challenge.

I decided to try the first experiment, which tells you to demand from the universe, or what she calls the Field of Potentiality, a clear sign that it exists.

The experiment Grout lays out in the book is to ask the Field of Potentiality to send an unexpected gift or blessing with the deadline of exactly 48 hours. It was 11 p.m. at night when I started the experiment, and was excited at the possibilities.

In the first 24 hours nothing happened. But knowing the universe sends us signs all the time, I didn’t worry, and kept my eyes open for my unexpected gift. However, at 11 p.m. the next night, I got worried.

Why had I not received anything unexpected? Did I do something wrong? How can I tell people the universe has their back and is always sending signs, if I just failed this experiment? I went to bed thinking maybe I would start over again tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still thinking about how I could have possibly messed up this assignment. I live my life looking for and receiving signs from the universe, from loved ones who have passed, and from my angels and guides. What did I do wrong?

I hear from people all the time about how they don’t receive signs from loved ones who have passed, or from their angels or guides, and I always tell them the signs are there, they are just not recognizing them when they arrive.

Surely I could not have missed an unexpected gift, right?


I walked into my home office the next morning and realized what happened. The day before, I was going through the mail we receive at Elevated Existence, which is often filled with new books, CDs and DVDs to review. In one of the packages, a musician, Paul Avgerinos, included his CD Bhakti and a beautiful dark green T-shirt with the same word on it. As I walked into my office that morning, I saw the T-shirt and it hit me. That was such a nice surprise, and yes, a very unexpected gift!

Not only that, but I have been looking for some new T-shirts with inspirational words and sayings on them, and “bhakti” is a Sanskrit word meaning “love and devotion.”

Thank you universe! And thank you Paul Avgerinos, who I’m sure had no idea he was conspiring with the universe on behalf of my experiment!

I share this story for two reasons. One, to show you how easy it is to miss the signs sent to us everyday from the universe, angels and our loved ones who have passed. It has become such a big part of my life, and yet even I missed this one … temporarily!

And two, there really is a higher force who is listening to you, and who hears your cries for help and direction. It’s not about whether or not the universe or God answers our prayers. It’s about whether or not we are tuned in, conscious or aware enough to recognize the answers when they come.

Try the experiment yourself, and keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open for your gift or blessing. I promise you, it’s already on its way.

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on FacebookTwitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com

10 thoughts on “How I Tested the Universe & You Can Too

  1. So true, we all miss the messages for us. I plan on paying more attention to my life! Thank you for the post.

  2. I have this book and did this experiment about 6 months ago. I have to say how shocked I was when my husband came home that very night with a bottle of wine which he said our friend had given him. The friend specifically mentioned for him to tell me that it was for me! Totally unexpected and out of the blue for this particular friend to have done. Definitely made a believer out of me!

  3. My brother passed in 1993. I get messages from him all the time. ALL the time. He’s there when I ask and am in need. He’s there when I’m not even thinking about it. A friend died last year. She too has sent me some really obvious signs this past year that her energy is still around and watching out over me. My mom’s friend passed this week, and even though we weren’t close I know she sent me a message as well. All the time and I’m very open to it.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences! I get signs from my mother all the time as well, and it is so comforting to know she is around — especially when I really need her! — Tammy

  4. “And two, there really is a higher force who is listening to you, and who hears your cries for help and direction. It’s not about whether or not the universe or God answers our prayers. It’s about whether or not we are tuned in, conscious or aware enough to recognize the answers when they come.”

    Love it. Love it. Love it! That’s SO the comfort I need right now. Without a doubt I know that I get in my own way regarding the Universe/God and its signs. And then again, I got a strong feeling that I recognize them and take action also. Great post!

  5. Libby Stewart says:

    I did the exact same thing two months ago when I got my hands on the audio version. A Blessing AND a present – why not. And same as you I actually missed the signs until it dawned on me an hour after I’d received the physical gift – once again totally out of the blue. I’ve known this stuff works for a long time now so I’m not sure why I was surprised. Three days later and feeling rather cheeky I asked for another present (actually Universe how about two as I’m feeling rather blah today), and wa-la, like magic a mini camera and food dehydrator! Strangely enough I’m not asking for a lotto win – I’m now working on finding a buyer for my house and manifesting things money can’t buy 😀 Good luck everyone – it really does work!

  6. Tammy,
    I have to say I am amazed! I did it…last night at 11 minutes to 9, I tested the Universe. I sent out a request to the Field of Potentiality, asking It to send me an unexpected gift or blessing within 48 hours – by 11 minutes to 9 on Friday the 29th! I was afraid to Test the Universe….what if I didn’t get an answer? Well, I allowed my fear and asked anyway. All I can say is that I am blown away today. Much earlier than the deadline I had given, I received 3, YES 3, very unexpected gifts and one of the gifts I would call a gift AND a Blessing.
    I received the viewing of a Beautiful 6 to 6-1/2 foot yellow flower towering over all the tall grass beyond my garden, 3 Beautiful ripe tomatoes and the last was a card I received in the mail, filled with Love and Grace from my very best friend ♥
    I am beginning to believe that the Universe gives us Gifts and Blessings every single day….we just have to open our eyes and become aware of them ♥
    Thank you so much for this GREAT post!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story Roxanne! I’m so glad you tried it and shared your results here, and I’m sure even more wonderful things are on the way 🙂 — Tammy

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