Marianne Williamson on Embracing the Law of Divine Compensation

Although the world we see with our physical senses is often one of struggle, scarcity, unfair competition and fear, bestselling author Marianne Williamson explained the universe is truly made up of love and miracles – and any time we find ourselves entrenched in the world of fear, knowing the universe is both self-organizing and self-correcting is where we can find our power.

“The universe is an infinite, creative possibility machine,” she explained in a recent live online seminar, based on her book “The Law of Divine Compensation.” “It is creating one opportunity after another, and it is based not on what you have done, but what you are now.”

The universe is programmed to compensate for when we make a wrong turn or when it seems something is taken from us by someone else, she explained. In the mind of God there is a blueprint for us, and our destination is complete self-actualization or enlightenment. Each of us is given special gifts to create at the highest level, and nature wants to create things through each of us.

“You don’t have to go out and make anything happen,” she noted. “We need to place ourselves in a position where we can allow things to happen.”

When it comes to work and career, the daily prayer she offered in the seminar is: “Dear God, Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?”

“The most powerful statement you can make for a great career is, ‘Dear God, please use me. Here are my talents; here are my abilities – use me,” she said. “The true you knows your job is to be the person God would have you to be.”

Whether its work, money or relationships, by aligning with our true selves, and knowing the universe will lead us back on the right path, we can magnetize anything. The Christ, Buddha mind within us is a magnet, while the rational mind separated from love is not, she said.

“As long as I am aligned with the thinking of my true self, I do not self-sabotage,” Williamson explained. “If I’m not aligned with that thinking, then by definition I will self-sabotage.”

Giving a new meaning to the fairytale Cinderella, Williamson compared the wicked stepmother to the human ego, and the fairy godmother to our spirit. Her magic wand is focused thought, and when she waves it, light envelopes Cinderella and transforms her on the material plane, she said.

“Light is spiritual understanding, and when the fairy godmother pointed her wand at Cinderella, the light turned her rags into a dress, the mice into coachman, the pumpkin into a coach,” she said. “The fairy godmother is the Holy Spirit or the spirit within you. We need the light in the want to transform our current circumstances.”

It is up to us whether we activate the law of divine compensation or not – and we do so by aligning with the energy of God and miracles with every thought that passes through out minds. In the book, “The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles,” Williamson states:

“The practical issue is whether we choose thoughts that activate or deactivate the Law of Divine Compensation. We activate it with every loving thought. We deactivate it when we give more credence to the reality and the power of the material world than to the reality and power of love.”

For more on Marianne Williamson, including how to apply “A Course in Miracles” to love relationships, see our June 2012 issue cover story.

VIDEO: Marianne Williamson to Hold “The Enchanted Love” Workshop in L.A. and Live Streaming

Best-selling author, Marianne Williamson, will present “The Enchanted Love Workshop: Building the Inner Temple of the Sacred and the Romantic,” on February 17 to 19 in Los Angeles. Not in the area? You can still participate via live streaming.

Participants will learn the spiritual tools of fostering powerful, joyous and intimate relationships. Valuable for both women and men seeking to either to attract a partner or deepen an existing relationship, the weekend will provide guests with valuable spiritual, psychological and emotional insight into the nature and practice of true love.

During the “Enchanted Love Workshop,” spiritual inquiry will include:

  • How do we inwardly prepare ourselves for love?
  • What deeper forces foster a powerful romantic relationship?
  • What part does the masculine/feminine dynamic play in navigating romantic relationships?
  • What is true intimacy, from a spiritual perspective, and how is it achieved?
  • How can a romantic relationship become a portal to spiritual growth? And how can spiritual growth become a portal to more powerful romance?

“If I think that you’re the source of my happiness, I am tempted, at least subconsciously, to try to manipulate and control you,” Williamson said.  “And that won’t attract you; it will repel you. Once I make it my spiritual work to realize my own completion, then I approach you not with a need to steal your energy, but with a desire to play and create with you. Obviously, the latter is far more attractive.”

Williamson teaches that from a spiritual perspective, relationships are assignments: couples are brought together by a Divine Intelligence for as long a period of time as serves the mutual soul growth of both partners. When physical proximity no longer serves that growth and the relationship ends, this doesn’t necessarily denote failure. Relationships are of the spirit and not of the body, and therefore last forever on the level of mind.

“We are brought together for the purpose of healing. All of us have rough edges to be smoothed out, and one of the ways that happens is when our rough edges rub up against someone else’s,” said Williamson. “To the ego, that kind of rough experience is a reason to leave the relationship. To the Spirit, the opportunity here is to choose the mercy and compassion that smoothes out all things.”

Williamson gives the examples of a woman whose father emotionally abandoned her, meeting up with a man whose mother emotionally smothered him. Because of their childhood experiences, she might tend to be needy, while he might tend to be commitment phobic.

“The rough path is where she subconsciously tries to control him, and he subconsciously seeks to keep her at a distance,” Williamson said. “The transcendent path is where she takes responsibility for her wound, refuses to project her father’s behavior in the past onto the man standing in front of her, and prays to Spirit to heal her by helping her forgive her father and enter into the present moment not carrying her past with her. As she develops the emotional skill set to show deep appreciation for the man standing in front of her, the light of that moment casts out the neurotic thought forms carried over from the past. His work takes different form, but is essentially the same.”

According to Williamson, an authentic spiritual bond can’t be based on personality or physicality alone, because on the material level none of us are perfect. It’s when we develop the skill to see beyond the physical to the spiritual truth of who we are — and most importantly, the ability to stay with that truth even when appearances show us something different — that we transcend the ego forces which would otherwise tear us apart.

This workshop addresses the fear of love that we all feel, as well as the spiritual keys to unlocking the authenticity and true skill that allows us to connect with a beloved. “It takes conscious work to create the psychological and emotional freedom to disclose our deepest feelings to each other. The risk, the vulnerability …  such things can be emotionally perilous outside a spiritual context.” Williamson focuses on the deep practice of forgiveness, prayer and meditation as steps to the cultivation of sacred space within and between us.

“We might be tempted to think that spirituality and intimacy are very different categories. In fact, spirituality is key to our success at everything because it’s the key to our capacity to love.”

To sign up for the in-person or live streaming, visit

Listen to Marianne explain the seminar in the below video: