Emerging Women Live Part 4: Danielle LaPorte – You Are Worthy of Your Desires

At the 2nd annual Emerging Women Live conference “Changing the World Through Feminine Leadership and Entrepreneurship,” in New York City, author of “The Fire Starter Sessions,” and “The Desire Map,” Danielle LaPorte took the stage on last day of the summit and offered laughter, advice and inspiration to the audience.

“Everything in your life had led you to right now,” she started off her talk saying to the audience, explaining the importance of self-love. “When you really practice self love, and really protect yourself, honor yourself and protect your ideals, and when you make your desires your prayers, you will not necessarily be very popular. Loving yourself does not guarantee that you will get loved. But I can guarantee that loving yourself that way you will be misunderstood. You will look to some, unloving. You will look like a crazy lady.”

When we begin to wake up to what we want, and what we deserve, there are things that become unacceptable to us, and we can begin to make more conscious choices in our life, she said.

“The short hand for self-love is this — you have a choice,” said LaPorte. “Joy is a choice, and there is so much to be grateful for in life. We learn through contrast and fear, and for self-love, all you need to say to yourself in every moment is ‘ I have a choice. I have a choice.’ Sometimes you will choose to do things that are uncomfortable, but you can make those choices consciously.”

She then asked the audience to throw out words and  improv speak based on the words. Here is what she said:

Grief — It catches you off guard and can be an uncontrollable feminine, said LaPorte. “She comes in waves when you least expect it, and she demands your full presence,” she said, explaining sometimes we have responsibilities to handle and have to hit the pause button and compartmentalize, but make sure we feel the grief within the first 24 hours. “You have to make a date for the tears.”

Grace — “Grace is the cousin of synchronicity,” said LaPorte. “Every single thing is the universe communicating with you.”

Obligation — This goes back to self-love and choice. We believe we are obligated to pay our mortgage, take care of ailing parents, feed our children, but these are really choices. “Reframe obligation into choice, and the stress of the situation will heal itself,” LaPorte shared.

Ambition, Money and Power — These are all from the second chakra, and we should never apologize for our ambition, she told the audience. “Be fierce, but flexible,” she said, recalling a conversation she had with a Lama, where she explained she found it ironic we all pursue enlightenment with a certain intensity, but Buddhism teaches about detachment, and it always puzzled her.

“He explained there will always be desire,” said LaPorte. “You will always be attached. The question is are you being pushy about it. I’m a pushy bitch, and she usually shows up at 11:30 at night, where I will just check five more emails. She loves to look at her dayplanner and make sure everything is in order, and make sure everyone is doing what they are suppose to be doing.”

She learned to stop pushing, and at first felt naked because who would she be if she was not pushing, but realized “you will hire good people, meditate, take your supplements, be in the intelligent hear and will allow.”

Regret — For most people regret is for the things they did not do. For La Porte, it is the times she didn’t say ‘I love you,’ and she does that now and it makes a big difference in her life. “Always choose your friends over the deadline,” she shared. “Choose your friends over your credit card. Put the airplane ticket on your credit card and make the flight. Go to the wedding. Go to the baptism. surprise them. You don’t need to re-carpet your house, you need to take a vacation with your friends.”

Read Part 1 with Kris Carr on Resilience

Read Part 2 with Sera Beak on Unleashing Your Soul’s Voice

Read Part 3: Gabrielle Bernstein – Miracles Now

Emerging Women Live Coverage Part 3: Gabrielle Bernstein – Miracles Now

On Sunday of the 2nd annual Emerging Women Live conference “Changing the World Through Feminine Leadership and Entrepreneurship,” in New York City, Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author of “May Cause Miracles” and “Miracles Now,” took the stage to discuss the power of our presence.

Bernstein shared how she was once running a PR company and on the outside it looked like she had all she desired to be successful and happy — but on the inside her world was falling apart. She was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and when she woke up at 25 years old in a stranger’s apartment not knowing where she was or how she got there, she realized she needed to change.

She went home, opened her journal and wrote — “there has to be a better way.” She then heard the voice of her intuition for the first time — an inner voice — tell her to “get clean and you will live a life beyond your wildest dreams.” She realized she needed to stop looking outside herself for what she already had within her.

“I got clean. I found a recovery group, and immediately spun back into this childlike faith I had forgotten,” she shared with the audience. “Within a month I was guided to a beautiful mentor in my recovery group who said, ‘I have a book for you.’ She handed me Marianne Williamson’s ‘A Return to Love,’ which is basically the cliff notes for a metaphysical book ‘A Course in Miracles.’ I read the entire book in one night.”

Bernstein decided to become a student of “A Course in Miracles” and began doing the workbook. The Course teaches that “through the experience of forgiveness we reorganize our beliefs systems and shift to love…the moment we choose again, to forgive, to see as situation with a loving lens instead of a fearful lens,” is when miracles occur, she said.

She shared five principles with the audience that she has been using to change her perceptions and shift from fear to love for the past nine years. These include:

1. Become the Non-Judgmental Witness of Your Fear — She asked the audience to be willing to take a fearless inventory of what is going on in their lives and take full ownership of what it means to be in negativity and fear. “Yes I am an addict I’m not stepping into my power. I’m talking a lot of shit about people. I am stuck in fear. I am stuck in a bad relationship,” she said. “But in a non judgmental way so you don’t get stuck in fear. Get brutally honest with yourself and your notebook. What is it that you want to transform?” It’s about owning if you are not showing up for your husband, business, etc. and accepting where you are first.

gabby-72. Invite In a Higher Power — She shared a line from the Course that says: The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are relying on your own strength. “How are you blocking and controlling the natural flow of your life by relying on your own strength, and how do you get to a place where you can start to redirect?” she asked, explaining we can all tap into a higher presence, whether we call it God, inspiration, energy or the Universe. She shared a daily prayer she uses every morning directly from the Course: “Where would you have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say and to whom?”

She also urged the audience to take up a meditation practice, as she has found it to be the most important tool she has in her life. “What I find to be most important to me in my life, more than husband, work, family and friends, is the time I spend on my meditation pillow,” she said. “My meditation has offered me everything. Why I’m standing here today, why I’m a New York Times bestselling author, why I have a healthy relationship, why I have a healthy body, and why I can live in this city [New York]. Do you want to go big in your life? My answer is meditate.”

3. Measure Your Success By How Much Fun You Are Having — “Joy is your responsibility,” she said. “We need to elevate joy in our own lives. If you are feeling powerless, lean toward joy . . . release the littleness, the story of ‘I’m not where I want to be yet,’ or ‘my guy sucks’ and say  I’m going to show up.’”

4. Our presence is Our Power — It’s not how well we are dressed or what it says on our business card or even what we say or do for a living — our power is how we be, said Bernstein. “Have you even been in the presence of someone who is really embodying who they are? You feel good. Because you can recognize yourself,” she said. “ In every given situation, if you are leaning toward joy, you will be guided to show up, and you will be guided to your power and to be.”

5. Be the Light — “In any given moment we have the capacity to show up with our darkness or we can be the light,” she explained. “Any given moment offers the opportunity to show back up, to choose again. You can smother the darkness and dissolve all boundaries with love. Take ownership and bring the light.”

As a result of practicing these principles, Bernstein said she truly has created a life far beyond her wildest dreams and just celebrated nine years of recovery and one year of marriage. She also shared a mantra mediation for people to use to bring them out of negativity. It is “Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad,” and the music she played was from “Meditations for Transformation: The Expansive Spirit,” by Jai-Jagdesh.”

Read Part 1 with Kris Carr on Resilience

Read Part 2 with Sera Beak on Unleashing Your Soul’s Voice

Read Part 4 with Danielle LaPorte

Emerging Women Live Coverage Part 1: Kris Carr on Resilience

The 2nd annual Emerging Women Live conference “Changing the World Through Feminine Leadership and Entrepreneurship,” took place October 9-12, 2014 in New York City — the brainchild of Chantal Pierrat, who served as vice president of sales and marketing for Sounds True publishing company for more than 10 years. She opened the conference explaining how fierce competitiveness used to be the way to achieve success, and now it’s about partnership and collaboration.

“In 10 years women are inheriting two-thirds of this nations wealth and it means working together collectively and empowering ourselves as an individual,” she said opening the conference Thursday night. “Emerging means to come into being, transformation, to become manifest, to come into view, to come out from under. It’s not just happening to women. It’s happening to the feminine.”

She quoted statistics such as 17 percent of boards have women represented, and only 3 percent of women are CEO’s in the United States. But assured the audience, the trends are changing at an amazing rate.

“Right now so we have momentum behind us, and that momentum is turning into an emergence,” she said. “Some studies of major corporations show those most inclusive of women at the top are performing 35 percent better than their counterparts. Diversity is the future. Polarity breeds creativity.”

Kris Carr: The Feminine Side of Resilience
Bestselling author of “Crazy Sexy Diet” and “Crazy Sexy Kitchen,” Kris Carr — known for her passion around green juice and wellness — started her keynote speech talking about the concept of emerging, and explaining like healing, emerging is a process.

“Emerging happens in cycles, it happens in seasons, and your job is to know what season you are in,” she said. “When you know the season you are in you don’t force it. You don’t push the river.”

When we honor our natural rhythm and cycle we get closer to our purpose, which has nothing to do with our vocation or mission, she shared. Our purpose is joy, and we need to evaluate everything we do in our lives from our relationships to our businesses, and ask is this bringing us closer to joy our further away from it? The same is true for the people we are hanging out with — “are they inspiring you or are they tiring you?” she asked the audience.

kris-carrOur spiritual assignment is to have a dialogue with ourselves on a regular basis to check in and see what we need to feel “sturdy, strong and empowered,” because the more we have this dialogue the more we will become connected with ourselves. For Carr, she knows she needs more time alone and embracing the fact that she is an introvert rather than an extrovert, to hang with solid girlfriends, men in her life that support her, to play on a regular basis, and to have a three-dimensional life, she said.

“What is one thing you need in order to connect with your resilience and with yourself,” she asked the audience.

Carr shared her story of being diagnosed with an incurable form of Stage 4 cancer at age 30, and how she revamped her self-care and diet to learn how to thrive with the disease — eventually giving up the desire to cure it.

“Self-care became my spiritual practice at 31,” she explained, recalling the time she first met the divine feminine in herself. “I met the divine feminine and she said ‘surrender it all. There is a difference between curing and healing. Curing is the physical body — the body you will not have forever. Healing is the spiritual body, and that is what you need to focus on my love, my darling. Learn to accept yourself, my darling.’ You have to love the broken parts of yourself as well. It’s all you, and it’s all teaching you something. It’s all magnificent.”

And acceptance or surrender does not be giving up or putting up with things that you should not from others. It means we never abandon ourselves. It means making our relationship with ourselves — that connection or spiritual assignment — the most important endeavor and commitment we will ever make, said Carr.

“From that place your resilience shines. Nothing can topple you over. As you go for those dreams, take with this mentality you will and enjoy the entire process, not just the accomplishment,” she said. “My challenge I want to offer you is that as you experience this beautiful weekend, and as you get lit up and inspired by all the new tools you want to try, that you remember what you already have …  remember to celebrate something you already have. The more you do that, the more you will give permission to this world to do the same.”

Read Part 2 with Sera Beak: Unleashing Your Soul’s Voice HERE

Read Part 3 with Gabrielle Bernstein: Miracles Now HERE

Read Part 4 with Danielle LaPorte HERE