Elevated Existence June 2017 New Spiritual and Self-Help Book Picks

Each month, a ton of new spiritual and self-help books hit the market. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or miss out on some new releases.

We created Elevated Existence Monthly Book Picks to help our readers narrow down their search, and make sure they don’t miss some great options!

Here are the picks for June 2017. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on each title to go directly to Amazon and find out more about the book.

“Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose: Finding Your Path in Life, Work and Personal Mission the Edgar Cayce Way,” by Mark Thurston Ph.D.
This new edition of the classic guide to using the spiritual and psychological insights of renowned mystic and psychic Edgar Cayce can help readers find their authentic mission in life. Mark Thurston, one of the most significant teachers of Cayce’s work as a medical clairvoyant, updated and revised this book to help readers use Cacye’s teaching in the 21st century for greater purpose in relationships, career and mission in life.

“The Headspace Guide to a Mindful Pregnancy,” by Andy Puddicombe
From the co-founder of Headspace, known for its online meditation, this book offers a new approach to pregnancy, birth and new parenthood. It will teach women and their partners how to calmly navigate the anxieties and demands of parenthood. It includes exercises for both partners, including tools to live mindfully during it all.



“The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness,” by Jonathan Goldman
Offering a guide to the practice of the self-healing method of conscious humming, Jonathan and Andi Goldman detail both conscious humming and breathing exercises from simple to advanced — including online access to examples of these practices. It also examines the latest studies on sound, revealing how humming helps with stress levels, sleep and blood pressure, increases lymphatic circulation, releases endorphins, creates neural pathways in the brain and boost blood platelet production. The book also explores the spiritual use of humming, including the sonic yoga technique.

“Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles Rediscovered,” by Napoleon Hill
Learn to take action and see the results with the timeless wisdom on Napoleon Hill, author of the well-known book “Think and Grow Rich.” Success starts with achieving and maintaining a positive mental attitude, and then taking action to achieve all the success we desire in life. This book offers the teaching on how to do it.



“Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom,” by Suzanne Scurlock Durana
Having spent 30 years studying the gifts of the body and teaching thousands how to reclaim them, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana offers a guided tour through the body’s innate haling powers. She explains what she calls the gifts of the body as a strength, which she likens to a GPS, based on her own experience with al life-threatening trauma, and walks readers through different areas of the body, revealing wisdom found in each and how to reconnect with it.


“Rushing Woman’s Syndrome: The Impact of a Never-Ending To-Do List and How to Stay Healthy in Today’s Busy World,” by Libby Weaver
Do you often feel overwhelmed, and in a daily battle to keep up — like you rarely get on top of your to-do list, and at times feel out of control and unable to cope? If so, you may be experiencing the first signs of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome, and in her new book, nutritional biochemist Dr. Libby Weaver shares how stressful, fast-paced lifestyle can have dangerous effects on all areas of women’s health. These include the nervous system, adrenal glands, reproductive system, digestive system, emotions and more. And she offers solutions to restore health to stay productive and healthy at the same time.

“Rising Strong As a Spiritual Practice,” by Brene Brown
Bestselling author Brene Brown defines spirituality as something not reliant on religion, theology or dogma, but as a belief in interconnectedness and a loving force greater than ourselves. Based on her book, “Rising Strong,” this audio program explores where we find the strength to get back up after we fall — and based on her research — it shares how rising back up is a spiritual practice bringing a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives.

“Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment — A Way to Be fully Together Without Giving Up Yourself,” Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks
This new program can help clear away unconscious agreement patterns that undermine even your best intentions. Through their own marriage and through 20 years experience counseling more than 1,000 couples, therapists Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks developed precise strategies to help create a vital partnership and enhance the energy, creativity and happiness of each individual. They share how to let go of power struggles and need for control; balance needs for closeness and separateness; increase intimacy by telling the “microscopic truth”; communicate in a positive way that stops arguments; make agreements you can keep; and allow more pleasure into your life.

4 Tips for Daily Gratitude

The topic of gratitude is not new.

We KNOW it helps raise our vibration, instantly improves our mood, and helps us attract our desires.

But are you bringing gratitude into your daily life?

Maybe you have a gratitude journal that you write in each morning or evening. But what if there were simple things you could do to incorporate even MORE of gratitude’s healing powers into your day?

In the below video, I share 4 tips for daily gratitude, and if you take just one of them, and incorporate it into your life, I promise you will see a difference.

How do you incorporate gratitude into your day? Comment below!

VIDEO: Embrace Your “Not-So-Spiritual” Moments — Tammy Mastroberte

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you thought, “Oh, that was not-so-spiritual of me to do, think or say…”?
You know what I mean . . . those moments where you react with judgement over acceptance, fear over love or anger over joy? 
My guess is you said “yes” to that question, and if so, welcome to the club my elevated friend because we ALL have them!
I recorded this quick video for you to share my 5 tips for dealing with and even embracing these moments.
Enjoy, and leave a comment if it resonates with you.

Elevated Existence April 2017 Spiritual/Self-Help Book Picks

Each month, a ton of new spiritual and self-help books hit the market. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or miss out on some new releases.

We created Elevated Existence Monthly Book Picks to help our readers narrow down their search, and make sure they don’t miss some great options!

Here are the picks for April 2017. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on each title to go directly to Amazon and find out more about the book.


“Don’t Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable,” by Sara Jakes Roberts
The daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, and popular speaker and author Sarah Jakes Roberts, who knows what it feels like to be buried by failure and pain. She was pregnant at 12, married by 19 and divorced by 22. But she eventually came to a fork in the road, and is now sharing the life lessons she learned along the way. Topics include allowing the past to empower the present; choosing to step forward while still being afraid; facing struggles surrounded by community; finding intimacy with God outside preconceived notions of what it has to look like; and learning to focus on others.

“Don’t Feed the Monkey Mind: How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Fear & Worry,” by Jennifer Shannon, LMFT
Psychotherapist Jennifer Shannon shows readers how to stop anxious thoughts from taking over by using proven and effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness techniques. She includes exercises to identify anxious thoughts, question them and uncover the core fears at play.


“The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People,” by Judith Orloff
Are you someone who feels the emotions of others? Maybe even the energy and physical symptoms of others in your body? In her new book, Judith Orloff shares how to nurture our empathy and develop coping skills in today’s high stimulus world, while fully embracing intuition, creativity and spiritual connection. It includes exercises to identify your empath type, told for protecting yourself from sensory overload, exhaustion, addictions and more; how to navigate intimate relationships; guidance for parenting and raising empathic children; awakening the empath’s gift of intuition and more.

“The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi,” by Arun Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson Arun recounts the 10 vital and extraordinary life lessons he learned from his grandfather. At 12 years old, his parents dropped him off at his grandfather’s famous ashram, Sevagram, and he lived there for two years under his wing until Gandhi’s assassination. Each chapter contains a lesson and takes you along Arun’s journey as he learns to overcome his own struggle to express his emotions and harness the power of anger to bring about good.

“Mind Over Meds: Know When Drugs are Necessary, When Alternatives are Better — and When to Let Your Body Heal on its Own,” by Andrew Weil, MD
Bestselling author Dr. Andrew Weil explains the problem of overmedication, and he outlines when medicine in necessary and when its not. He examines how we came to be so drastically over medicated, and offers the science that proves drugs are not always the best option. He also provided reliable integrative medicine approaches to treating common ailments, including high blood pressure, allergies, depression and even the common cold.


“The Science of Money: How to Increase Your Income and Become Wealthy,” by Brian Tracy
With the goal of ending confusion about money and presenting a comprehensive program to reveal the truth about money, bestselling author Brian Tracy shares how to apply the Laws of Money to life an business to achieve financial success. He also challenges the Myths of Money that claim to be true, but have been tested and disproven, or never proven at all.


“25 Days: A Proven Program to Rewire Your Brain, Stop Weight Gain, and Finally Crush the Habits You Hate Forever,” by Drew Logan
Celebrity trainer and cast member of NBC’s Strong, Drew Logan shares how to rewire your neurological patters and break the habits that prevent us from losing weight and living a healthy life. After dying three times in three hours, and becoming the world’s only known medical case to survive three sudden cardiac arrests, he lost his short-term memory and could no longer follow the complicated diet and fitness regimens he used on himself and clients. He decided to create something simple and discovered it was even more effective than his regime in the past. In this new book, he outlines his approach to rewire neurological patterning so the brain’s neural pathways, biochemistry and hormones work together effectively. Readers will learn how to adjust their diet and retrain their brain for peak shape.

“Your Life in Color: Empowering Your Soul with the Energy of Color,” by Dougall Fraser
Based on his years of experience as an internationally renowned psychic and cosmic life coach, Dougall Fraser shares his method of utilizing color, which he sees emanating from people’s souls. Each color has qualities that you can consciously draw strength and purpose from to achieve your goals. He explores each colors spiritual and practical qualities, along with exercises to use each color’s maximum benefit.


“Your Power to Heal: Resolving Psychological Barriers to Your Physical Health,” by Henry Grayson PhD
Psychotherapist Dr. Henry Grayson outlines the tools and insights needed for self-healing, including the research revealing our untapped capacity for self-healing and simple tips to nip any symptoms in the bud as they start. It includes self-assessment questionnaires to help you locate and change subconscious beliefs and disturbances, and instructions on the Emotional Freedom Technique for resolving trauma and restoring vitality. He also exp
lains how to us Thought Field Therapy to clear blockages in your body’s energy system impeding health and why therapy, diets and exercise often fail — and how to make them succeed.

Elevated Existence December 2016 Spiritual/Self-Help Book Picks

Each month, a ton of new spiritual and self-help books hit the market. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or miss out on some new releases.

We created Elevated Existence Monthly Book Picks to help our readers narrow down their search, and make sure they don’t miss some great options!

The books for this month were chosen by our editor’s as their picks for December 2016. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on each title to go directly to Amazon and find out more about the book.


curvy-and-confident“Chicken Soup for the Soul: Curvy & Confident — 101 Stories about Loving Yourself and Your Body,” by Amy Newmark, Emme and Natasha Stoynoff
This new collection of 101 stories celebrated different body types women have and how to be curvy and confident. Supermodel EMME, the world’s first curvy supermodel shares her story and introduces other women who have learned to be fit, happy and confident about their bodies.


the-intuitive-dance-small“The Intuitive Dance: Building, Protecting and Clearing Your Energy,” by Atherton Drenth
Offering practical exercises and easy-to-follow techniques, this book is aimed at helping you dance with your ego and find inner calm. Atherton Drenth, a certified medical intuitive and holistic energy practitioner will share how to determine your intuitive type, center and ground your energy, rest fully when you sleep, cut energy cords and more.


jump-by-steve-harvey“Jump: Take the Leap of Faith to Achieve Your Life of Abundance,” by Steve Harvey
Bestselling Steve Harvey’s message is simple: You need to Jump like your life depends on it — because it does if you truly want a life of peace and abundance. He shares seven vulnerable seasons of his own life including being homeless and living out of his car, flunking out of college, a second failed marriage and owing the IRS $20 million. He teaches his core principles, including identifying the lesson and blessing in all life brings your way; placing past mistakes in the rearview mirror and creating a fresh life story; letting go of people weighting us down and more.


kindness-challenge-small“The Kindness Challenge: Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship,” by Shaunti Feldhahn
Do you want to improve one of your relationships in the next 30 days? Author Shaunti Feldhahn shows you how based on years of research into the power of kindness. Learn three simple acts to make all the difference in any relationship, the seven ways you may be unkind and not realize it, eight types of kindness, 10 obstacles that get in the way of giving praise, and more to transform your relationships in only one month.


life-on-earth-mike-dooley-small“Life on Earth: Understanding Who We Are, How We Got Here, and What May Lie Ahead,” by Mike Dooley
Taking the form of a journal, author Mike Dooley asks questions about life that are on his mind and let’s the answers come from his higher self. He takes on topics, including why and how to see through the “illusions” of life on earth; how to make sense of natural disasters and manmade tragedies, wealth, relationships and past lives; and the ultimate reason for life on earth and elsewhere.


making-life-easy-small“Making Life Easy: A Simple Guide to a Divinely Inspired Life,” by Christiane Northrup M.D.
Bestselling author Dr. Christiane Northrup explores the essential truth that has guided her ever since medical school — our minds, bodies and souls are profoundly intertwined. In this book, you will earn to untie the knots of blame and guilt that harm your health; use sexual energy consciously to increase vitality; balance your microbiome through healthy eating; communicate directly with the Divine and more.


manifesting-made-easy-jen-mazur-small“Manifesting Made Easy: How to Harness the Law of Attraction to Get What You Want,” by Jen Mazer
Many of us have hidden stumbling blocks preventing us from achieving the abundance we deserve. Known as the Queen of Manifestation, transformation coach and author Jen Mazer takes you through a step-by-step approach to manifesting the things you desire, from understanding what you want to mapping out ways to make it a reality. It incudes exercises prompts, success stories and more.


mind-body-baby-small“Mind Body Baby: How to Overcome Stress and Enhance your Fertility with CBT, Mindfulness and Good Nutrition,” by Ann Bracken
Top fertility specialist Ann Bracken offers proven, successful guidance on how to enhance and improve the outcome of fertility, using mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, and step-by-step exercises to improve the chance of conceiving. It also includes a chapter on nutrition from renowned nutritionist Dr. Marilyn Glenville.


the-mindful-twentysomething-small“The Mindful Twenty-Something: Life Skills to Handle Stress . . . and Everything Else,” by Holly Rogers
Co-founder of the extremely popular Koru Mindfulness program developed at Duke University offers a unique and evidence-based approach to help make decisions with more clarity and confidence. The mindfulness program — in use at numerous college campuses, including Harvard, Yale and Princeton, show significant benefits for sleep, perceived stress and self-compassion, and Holly Rogers shares this to help all young adults deal with stress.


the-science-of-positivity-small“The Science of Positivity: Stop Negative Thought Patterns by Changing Your Brain Chemistry,” by Loretta Graziano Breuning
Learn how cynical thought habits are formed and how to rewire yourself to go beyond them from neurochemical expert Loretta Graziano Breuning. This includes simple, practical actions you can take to shift your thinking to a new way, causing your brain to reward optimism with the release of happy chemicals. In just minutes a day for six-weeks, you will build new pathways to see the world in new ways.


wake-up-to-the-joy-of-you-small“Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life,” by Agapi Stassinopoulos
Make 2017 your year of self-discovery as Agapi Stassinopoulos walks you 52 weeks of meditations to let go of what isn’t working and open up to what does. Learn about self-care, including meditation, health and making time for yourself, and confront roadblocks, such as pouring your energy into other people or living in denial. It addresses relationships, money, self-esteem, anxiety and your childhood, and helps to connect to the spirit inside of you.


year-of-yes-journal-small“The Year of Yes Journal,” by Shonda Rhimes
A companion to Shonda Rhimes’ success book “The Year of Yes,” this journal allos you to chronicle your own year of “yes” and is broken out by month and day, with each month offering a theme, such as “Yes to Help,” and “Yes to Doing.” It’s bound with a gold-foiled stamped, blue case, and includes prompts for reflection and a six-month mark check-in, as well as one at the end of the year.

Marianne Williamson Accepts Elevated Existence Award & Talks Election Results

Since publishing her very first book, “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles,” in 1992, Marianne Williamson captured the hearts, minds and spirits of millions around the world.

Elevated Existence honored Williamson with its 2016 Elevated Existence Spiritual Service Award, given to one individual every year who has dedicated their life to spreading the gift of spirituality and uplifting the consciousness of others.

“I am honored by this award, and I appreciate your acknowledgement,” Williamson said.

During the interview for the December 2016 Issue of Elevated Existence Magazine, (which is an interactive, digital issue and includes an EXCLUSIVE Skype video interview with Williamson), she spoke about “A Course in Miracles” as it relates to relationships, anxiety, depression, politics and more, and offered advice to those who were not happy with the recent Presidential Election results.

“From “A Course in Miracles’” perspective, fear is to love what darkness is to light. Where there is love, there cannot be fear. But the love that is the transformative elixir that delivers us to a miraculous field of infinite possibility is not always an easy love. It is not just pouring pink paint over anything,” she told Elevated Existence in the December 2016 Issue cover story.

“This is a very disturbing moment in American history, and grown-ups are concerned. So the love I believe that replaces our fear is love for our country, love for our democracy… it takes a little maturity to hold the juxtaposition we need to hold now. On one hand we had an election, and unless it’s proven that that election was not fair, we have democratically elected our new president elect named Donald Trump. And the democratic process is to be respected.”

Layout 1At this time, Williamson believes we must all be engaged in what is happening in our government, including reading the newspaper and seeing where we can get involved in making a difference.

“I think this is the time to be really reading. Watching the news is extremely important right now because the president elect is appointing people,” she shared. “A person who is so far on the transition team for environmental issues is seeking to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency. Our new president thinks climate change is a hoax. Don’t look away from that if you disagree with him, we didn’t elect a king. This is how America works. So look at the issues you care about.”

She continued: “We all want to support him. He is democratically elected. But in addition to that, we want to pray that the angels of his better nature arise and prevail here. However, when see things that disturb us, that are way too similar to some of the worst conjectures in human history, it is our moral responsibility to speak up.”

Williamson also noted many in the spiritual community shy away from the news and politics, looking at them as negative and toxic, but she pointed out the importance of addressing the suffering of others and taking a stand where it is necessary. In order to do this, we need to stay informed, and we need to take action when guided.

“Those of us who are spiritual, its kind of this faux, artificial spirituality that’s out there like “No, no, no, politics is too toxic.” There is no deep, spiritual or religious path out there, which gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings — whether it’s suffering of human beings, the suffering of the earth, or suffering of the animals. If you see a very powerful force that moves in the direction of increasing that suffering, then it is absolutely your spiritual as well as your civic responsibility to do what you can to change that trajectory.”

She continued: “A woman I once knew used to say, ‘You need to put feet to your prayers.’ You pray, and… The highest prayer is ‘Dear God use me.’ God cannot do for us what he cannot do through us. So you can’t pray and say, ‘Dear God, fix all this,’ but don’t sign up to be the vessels through which he can operate . . . We got into this mess in this country because too many people were disengaged. The answer is not to be disengaged further. And this prevalent disengagement on a political level within the spiritual community, this idea that if I just drink green juice, and I just meditate and I just go to yoga, that’s enough.

“Actually, it’s a lot of it, but it is not of itself everything because the highest level of prayer is ‘where would you have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say and to whom?’ In a time like this, it’s very unlikely that God is going to say, ‘Oh, just sit there.’”

For more from this interview with Williamson, see the December 2016 Issue of Elevated Existence Magazine, and for more on Marianne Williamson, visit www.marianne.com.