Paul Scheele: Align Your Mind & Body

By Jennifer McCartney

With the breakthrough technology of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and whole brain learning you can improve any aspect of your life – even while you are sleeping. Author, co-founder of Learning Strategies Corp., and founder of Scheele Learning Systems, Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D., joined Tammy Mastroberte, founder of Elevated Existence Magazine, for the “Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit Season 2,” to teach us how we can reprogram our brains to reach our highest potential.

Scheele explained we’ve all been preprogrammed—often in a negative way—by society, which dictates how we feel about ourselves, our work and our relationships. Most of us don’t question this programming, and we just accept it unquestioningly.

“We’re often stopped from exploring and developing our true genius as we become adults,” he said. “We get through school, and we are programmed into what’s called ‘the socialized mind.’”

Sheele compared the preprogrammed brain to a computer that’s been infected with a virus. “We were raised to be obedient to the society that raised us, and we have accepted many of our programs unquestioningly,” he said. Maybe we now believe we’re bad at math, or that we can’t lose weight, or that we’ll never find a job. These become our default settings, and our brains don’t even try to solve the problem.

“We try to use the stuff we were given and when it doesn’t work we think, ‘oh I’m broken,’ or we look at society, and we think that society’s broken,” he noted. What we need is to identify the virus in our mind or the pre-programming we have accepted, and get rid of it. We can reprogram the brain using a variety of tools, including NLP so that our brain functions differently—more productively, and more in line with our highest self.

We all need to start by asking: “What are the voices in your head telling you?” said Scheele.

Rather than get stuck in what he called “the socialized mind,” we can become the author of our own mind, which Scheele calls “the self-authoring mind,” and ultimately, we can progress to what developmental psychologists call “the self-transforming mind.”

“That’s what we’re really encouraging here … people not just authoring their minds, but learning to transform their lives,” he explained. “We can make profound changes in our lives almost instantaneously.”


Three Brain Tools
In order to reprogram out brain, we need to understand how it works. The brain runs on three things:

1.Concentration or focus. This is what we focus on during our daily lives. If we’re meditating and focusing on breaking old thought patterns, our brain will respond accordingly. If we’re spending all our time focusing on the same old thought patterns—that’s our brain running on default. We can choose what we focus on.

2. Imagination. Our brain will create what it is that we focus our attention on. We need to step into this full representation of what we imagine. If we can “see” it in our mind’s eye we can transform it into reality.

3. Suggestion. This is what we suggest to ourselves or the suggestions we receive from others. For example, if we are in an abusive marriage where we are told that we’re worthless, not good enough, not worthy of love over and over, then we learn to accept that as the truth. Even if we escape we still have these programs running in your brain—these suggestions need to be deprogrammed. “Anytime anyone says ‘I can’t,’ they’re right. They’re absolutely programming that,” said Scheele.

The brain responds to these three powerful tools, but most of us don’t actually access the full power and potential our brains possess. We cruise along, instead of using the built in “turbochargers” that can get us where we need to go. In order to rise to the next stage of consciousness, “we have to subject our ideas to inquiry,” Scheele said. “You get more of what you reinforce.”

Once we’ve begun to positively program your brain and use it at its full potential, and are able to move into the self-authoring and self-transforming mind, we’ll find ourselves interacting differently in our family systems, work systems, and even in our church or community. We will find ourselves naturally assuming a leadership role. We will feel more self-confidence because we believe in ourselves, because that is how we are programmed.

“The change is coming from within you,” he said. “It’s not an act of willpower. It feels natural.”


For more from Paul and the other 25 experts in mind, body and spirit topics, sign up FREE to Season 2 of the Living an Elevated Existence Summit.

Paul Scheele: Optimizing the Brain for Successful Relationships

What if you could reprogram your mind to be happy no matter what, to improve your self-esteem and to become magnetic to people around you so all your relationships could improve?

Paul Scheele, co-founder of Learning Strategies Corp., combined his background in biology, human development, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), accelerate learning and more, to help other achieve the results they want in relationships, work, money and health, easier and faster then through traditional methods. He is an expert on learning how to tap the other 90% of the mind (the subconscious) and his work has been used by several well-know, peak performance experts such as Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Ken Blanchard and Brian Tracy.

Speaking on the Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit, Scheele explained how we can reprogram our brain to improve relationships in both our business and personal life, rather than running on the old programs set years ago.

“What we can do is install more positive, more functional strategies within us that allow us to get the results we truly desire,” Scheele said on the call, explaining most of us are operating on the dysfunctional programs given to us by our family, society, religion, etc. “If [the mind] is running on autopilot, the autopilot has been trained historically in an unquestioning way. We have accepted a lot of programming of our culture, which contains a lot of blind spots.”


Scheele explained how the different parts of the brain operate, including the part known as the reptilian, which gets activated when we are afraid for our safety, and around that, the mammalian or limbic system, devoted to emotional safety. There is also the neocortex, devoted to judging and making sure our reality stays in tact, he explained.

“The exciting thing being discovered by researchers today – the next evolutionary step – is called the prefrontal cortex or frontal orbital cortex, and this is where we are actually living into the emerging future,” he said on the call. “If we can learn to make values-based decisions, rather then decisions based on fear, worry and doubt, then we are transcending and moving into what our full potential is — what is really trying to emerge.”

Using NLP, Holosync technology and his expertise in preconscious processing and accelerated learning, Scheele developed Paralminial technology – an idea that came to him in 1976 before the technology was available to carry out his ideas.

“In 1981, my business partner and I had a cassette recorder with stereo microphones, and one of us what speaking in one channel and the other in another channel. One would do a guided visualization, and in the other ear the person was guiding the listener in a step-by-step process of change,” Scheele said.

A similar technique is used today, but with the sophisticated digital recording available, the Paraliminal technology is even better. “It uses neuro-linguistic programming and language, speaking to both sides of your brain simultaneously to access that vast non-conscious mind and put you in touch with the resources to accomplish what you want,” Scheele explained. “These go right into contact with those resources already within you.”

For the Living an Elevated Existence Summit, Scheele put together a package of four paraliminals – Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, Self-Esteem Super Charger, Positive Relationships and Happy for No Reason – along with two videos, including “Love and Long Life,” with bestselling author and relationship expert Dr. John Gray. Summit listeners can purchase the package for 60 percent off the retail price.

Recipe for Successful Relationships
When looking at the word ‘relationship,’ the key part of is ‘relating,’ said Scheele, who shared his four core abilities for relating. These are:

1. Kindness, Compassion and Appreciation – “Very often we are raised with very shame-based ways of communicating. ‘What is wrong with you? Can’t you do anything right? I hear you, but you’re wrong.’ How do we tap in to see the awakened self in another,” he said, explaining the Indian tradition of placing our hands on our chest and saying Namaste is about the divinity in us seeing the divinity in another. “So this idea of developing kindness, compassion and appreciation for another is so huge.”

2. Accepting Personal Responsibility – We need to move from being dependent in relationships to interdependence, said Scheele. We are the creator of our own happiness and need to take responsibility for that rather than relying on another person.

“A real, healthy relationship is one which is an interdependent partnership. So we are eliminating helplessness, and we are really realizing our true power as individuals,” he said. “We feel that it’s better to be with each other. We are stronger. We have more fun, and it’s companionship. But if you don’t’ fulfill your 50 percent of the relationship, I’m not 50 percent lost. We each come into the relationship at 100 percent.”

3. Choose Honest Self-Reflection and Truthfulness – Choosing honest self reflection and truthfulness requires a certain amount of vulnerability, and in her studies, bestselling author Brene Brown found the one thing that correlates with overcoming shame is vulnerability, Scheele shared. What is requires is to reflect and go for the truth with ourselves and in our relationships.

When we have done something we feel bad about, often we choose not to tell our partner because we don’t want to hurt them. However, we are then living a lie, which takes a lot of energy, he noted. Instead we can speak from a place of truth.

We can say, “I really want to share with you something that I don’t’ feel good about. I feel sorry that I did it, and I would like to make it right with you, and I understand that if you can’t tolerate the thought that I’ve done this and you need to leave the relationship, then that is my responsibility, and I get it. You need to take care of yourself but here it is,” said Scheele.

4. Honor the Space Between Us as Unique – “I have me and you have you, and when we come together, there is a space between us that is ‘we’ or ‘us,’ and there is a mutual benefit of being here intentionally,” he explained. “It’s not important what emerges between our ears, it’s what is between our noses, and that is what is called presencing. It’s being present and sensing what is emerging that is more valuable then me living my life alone and you living your life alone.”

For more from Paul Scheele, and 25 other mind, body and spirit experts, register for the FREE Living an Elevated Existence Summit & get 4 Bonus Gifts!
