Law of Attraction: The Difference Between Waiting and Expecting

By Sherry Winn

Two weeks ago a client asked me the difference between waiting and expecting. The disparity is the gap between fear and faith. Waiting represents wishing and indicates you don’t believe your request is going to happen. Expecting is acting as if you are receiving what you desire.

When you wait you are removed from action. When you expect you take action.

Imagine for a moment you want a particular job, but you don’t believe you can have it. You wait for the job to manifest but fail to take action toward getting the job. Why don’t you take the necessary actions? What belief holds you to waiting rather than acting?

A friend of mine, Maggie, decided she wanted to own her own salsa company. She knew from her experience of winning a salsa-cooking contest that her salsa was amazing. Maggie also knew if she could get her salsa in front of people they would buy it. The challenge was getting her salsa in grocery stores. Through persistence Maggie eventually convinced some of the local grocery store managers to purchase small amounts of her salsa for their stores.

This was not enough for Maggie. She wanted to sell her salsa in larger quantities. Maggie asked other food company owners how they got their product into the chain stores, and they told her it was next to impossible, and it took years of hard work.

Maggie didn’t accept their answers. She expected her dream to come true. She wrote down a list of 90 potential grocery stores and called all of them. At the end of every call, Maggie received the same answer: “No.” She looked at the list, thought about it, and started calling every store manager again. One manager asked if she could meet the next day at 8:00 a.m. Without hesitation, Maggie said she would be there. She jumped in her car and drove all night to make it to the meeting the next morning where she promptly convinced the store manager to purchase her salsa.

Maggie expected her dream to come true. She persisted with actions until her dream become a reality. The key is she did the hard work before she started making salsa. What was the hard work? Maggie worked on her faith.

So many people believe the work is done when they ask. This is the preliminary work. It is the beginning of the race. When you ask, you are at the starting line. If you remain at the starting line, you are waiting for something amazing to happen to you. What happens is you never get to the finish line, because you never ran the race.

How do you discover the faith Maggie possessed?

1.  Take responsibility for what you see in life. Interpret life as a positive experience.

2.  Choose the feelings you want to experience. Choose to feel good even when the events happening around you don’t seem to line up with what you desire.

3.  Align yourself with positive people who inspire and believe in you.

4.  Understand what you think becomes what you perceive and what you perceive is what you live.

5.  Seek books that teach abundance and worthiness.

6.  Practice the art of forgiveness. Your power is in letting go of the past and living in the present.

7.  Release self-judgment. Judgment prevents you from the vision of achievement.

8.  Tell yourself every day you are a creator and you choose to create abundance.

9.  Look for “facts,” which verify you are moving toward your desires.

10.  Affirm you were born as worthy. How could you not be worthy when you came from Source Energy who only knows worthiness?

People who wait, see signs they can’t get what they want and stop trying. People who expect their dreams to manifest move forward toward their goals. Are you going to stop at the starting line or do you have the Maggie mentality to ask and then receive by taking the necessary steps toward the finish line?

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionCoach Sherry Winn is an in-demand motivational speaker, a leading success coach and seminar trainer, a two-time Olympian, a national championship basketball coach, and an Amazon best-seller.

Coach Winn is the originator of the WIN Philosophy ™ and the WINNER Principles ™, and is known for her passion and belief system that ALL things are possible. You can access Sherry for coaching, training, or speaking appearances at

Why the Law of Attraction Works Every Time

By Sherry Winn

Why should you believe in the law of attraction? After all, you didn’t read about it in school textbooks when you were taught all the important laws of the universe, like the law of gravity and Einstein’s formula for relativity: E=mc2. If it wasn’t written about in your science book, and you didn’t hear about it in philosophy, psychology or history, then how do we know it’s true?

Well, thanks to scientists, we now know we have something called “mirror neurons,” which are neurons that mirror the behavior of others who are being observed. In other words, when we observe somebody smiling at somebody else, that same pattern of brain activation that allows the person to smile is emulated in our brain. Even though we might not physically act on the behavior, the same areas of our brains, the regions that prepare the body for movement and attention are triggered. This means our brains mirror the actions of the other person automatically.

Think about this for a moment. When you are watching a television show or a movie, how do you physically react when tension is building? Even though you are not a part of the scene, your heart is racing; your stomach gets tense; and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, even though you know it’s only a movie. This is because your brain is copying those you are watching.

Through brain imaging, scientists have also detected a portion of the brain called the amygdala. This is the part of the brain that hosts the limbic system or the “fight or flight” system, which is where our fears are recorded.

When people are shown pictures or photographs of fearful faces, the amygdala is stimulated in the observer creating the same fearful response. What is more intriguing is people whose brains have been damaged leading to blindness still have their amygdala fire up when they are subjected to fearful faces.

And what is perhaps more intriguing, is there are ways to change the experiment so people are entirely unaware they are seeing those fearful faces. However, when you look at their brains during the period they are unaware of seeing the faces, the amygdala still activates.

Thus, fear in others will register in our brains as fear. Another person’s lit up amygdala will light up our own. We “attract” the fear to ourselves because we are connected to other people and their brains instantly. That is why anxious people make other people anxious, and fearful people make other people afraid.

The good news is, similar principles apply to happiness and expected reward when our brains will light up those centers that correspond with these emotional states in others.

What Energy is Behind Your Thoughts?
When it comes to the law of attraction, whatever signal you are sending out is being received by a similar vibration. Take a second to inventory what type of thoughts you are sending out into the universe.

Before you are convinced you’re sending out positive thoughts, look behind the thought. In other words, let’s pretend you want a new job and you are continually asking for the new job. Your thought is you would like to have a new job. That single thought emits a somewhat neutral energy. In fact, it could be positive energy when you think about the great things a new job could offer you like a higher salary, better working conditions, shorter hours, and a competent boss.

But what is the energy behind that thought? Maybe you are desperate for a new job, because the job you are currently working is stressful. You need more money to pay your bills. You feel anxious, stressed and even desperate. When you are thinking about a new job, even if you can see some of the potential of the new job, where is your energy mostly focused — on the positive aspects of a new job or the fear of not getting what you want?

This is where quantum physics comes to play. What does quantum physics teach? In a nutshell, the Copenhagen Interpretation by Niels Bohr explained it is meaningless to ascribe any properties or even existence to anything which has not been observed, but the problem with this is that whatever is observed is changed by the observer. So, in essence what we expect to see is what we see.

This is where we can understand the law of attraction is true!

  • Our thoughts and our emotions are energy.
  • Both of these are interrupted by what we expect to see.
  • Our emotions behind our thoughts actually emit a stronger signal.
  • When we can align our emotions with what we desire, we are aligning the energy to our expectations.
  • We are then creating our world through our thoughts and emotions, because we are what we observe.

Perhaps you weren’t taught the law of attraction in school. Heck, maybe you weren’t even taught the basics of quantum physics. BUT know that you can control the creations of your universe. It is time to learn to use your power to manifest your desires!

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionSherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.


Using a Training Principle to Build Law of Attraction Success

By Sherry Winn

A few years ago, there was a big explosion around the law of attraction (LOA) due to the book, “The Secret.” The law of attraction was a buzzword. It seemed everybody was saying it. People were grabbing onto it like a lifeline, spouting out the words they had read as if the words themselves were going to produce mass miracles.

Then, like most fads, the fervor died down a bit. Many people claimed it was a conspiracy, a lie, or a plot to make money. After all, they had tried the philosophy behind the law of attraction and it had not worked for them; therefore, it must be false.

The problem with most people is when they heard about the law of attraction, they wanted to use it to solve their biggest issues on the first try. This is a little like being drastically out of shape and then deciding on your first run to conquer a marathon. If you had never run in your life except in elementary school on the playground, it might be a bit naïve of you to expect success on your first run.

If you were training for a marathon, even if you had been running three miles a day for several years, you wouldn’t go out on your first day and try to run 26 miles. You would know to gradually increase your mileage from three miles to six to 10, and then an occasional very long run. You would not expect your body to be able to adapt to 26 miles just because you decided you wanted to run that far. You would understand the necessity for starting small and building toward success.

This training principle is exactly the same for learning to use the law of attraction. You want to start with small steps, gain confidence and then build toward bigger goals.

In fact, when I heard about the law of attraction and the premise of it sounded so simple, I decided I wanted to heal my principal issue, chronic pain, which had caused me the biggest heartache. This made sense to me, because if there was a solution to my chronic pain, then I wanted to be able to cure it.

Here were the challenges that occurred for me when I went after my biggest issue first:

1.   I was too wrapped around the issue emotionally.

2.  My emotions were charged with negativity (pain and fear).

3.  I felt intense desire (which feeds the lack of something).

4.  It was difficult to get in alignment with the feeling of having something when I NEEDED it so badly.

5.  Because I had not experienced success with working with the LOA, I was working from a place of doubt, which brought in negative vibrations.

Needless to say I wasn’t successful which made me initially believe the LOA didn’t work, but because I was an athletic coach at the time, I also knew the importance of breaking down a skill in order to learn it. I decided to train for the LOA like I would train for a game. After all, I would never expect my athletes to succeed without breakdowns and repetitions of the skills I wanted them to learn.

Some of the things I learned which helped ease my pain and give me my lives back are:

1.  I practiced on something which wasn’t highly charged for me emotionally like getting a parking space.

2.  I focused on seeing what I wanted and feeling myself having it.

3.  I let go of any of the attachment I had to getting it.

4.  I had faith and belief that it would come to me at the right time.

5.  If I didn’t succeed on the first try, I let it go. Beating myself up over failure only added more negative energy.

I learned, as I practiced, I could manifest more things.

AND you can too.

Start with something small, something that doesn’t have a highly charged emotion attached to it. Gain confidence and knowledge, and then build toward your other goals.

Sherry Winn - The Law of AttractionSherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.

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How to Feel Good and Get What You Desire

By Sherry Winn

Most of us who have been following the Law of Attraction know the premise: Like attracts like; you get what you think about most of the time; or it is done to each one of us as we believe.

We understand we want to attract into our lives the things we desire. We try to get our minds to cooperate with us, to bend toward those thoughts, and yet somewhere we fall short of actually getting what we want. Why does this happen?

One of the most critical elements of using the Law of Attraction is to FEEL GOOD, to get into the place of believing it has already happened. How can we do this when we have lost a loved one, when our bodies are sick, when we have been fired from a job, or when the partner we loved betrayed us? How can we get into this feel-good place when all the physical things we see are not what we desire?

The first thing we must realize is we cannot know what an event means. We do not have the power to see beyond the moment. What we believe is horrific may be the very thing which opens the doorway for our dreams. We don’t know what we don’t know! It sounds so simple, yet is so complex because we tend to live in a visual state of being. We don’t see the things we are manifesting through our requests. We don’t have the faith that what we asked for has already been created. So instead of moving forward and acting as if we already have our desires, we live in a continual state of believing only what we see before our eyes.

As long as we are living “what is” we cannot feel what we have created. We have to believe we have already created this nonphysical event, and it is waiting for us to get in alignment with our creation.

When we become impatient and ask, “Where are my requests,” we go directly to the feeling of not having it. When we feel we don’t have what we want, we become anxious, bitter, worried, frustrated, discouraged, dejected, and allow hopelessness to crowd into our hearts and brains.

The next thing we have been taught to do in our physical bodies is to push toward what we want. We think we have to strive for it, to focus all our efforts on it, to strain our muscles, to exhaust our bodies, to go as hard as we can for as long as we can in order to touch our goals. While we do have to take action steps to acquire our desires, we do not want to get in the habit of feeling the push, which is just another way of resisting.

Since we know what we resist tends to persist, we have to learn to move forward, taking action while keeping our minds and bodies feeling good. There is a difference between pushing for something and allowing something to occur.

When we work with the thought of allowing, things flow easier. When we work with the action of pushing, of gritting our teeth and clenching our fists to get through something, we are resisting.

When we push from this place of resistance, we no longer feel good, which is the primary thing we must do in order to get in alignment with our creation.

How to Feel Good
We know the goal is feeling good, but how do we reach for the place of feeling good? Here are some solutions:

— Establish a daily routine of meditation.
— Read spiritual works.
— Listen to uplifting music.
— Stop and breathe in the beauty of the day.
— Have an attitude of gratitude.
— Visualize feeling and being in your dreams.

If you can’t seem to get there and the feel-good emotion is eluding you, there is another short-cut to feeling good which is called, “Asking What-if Questions.” To do this, you start on a rampage of asking what-if questions which lead to a better feeling place. The goal is not to answer the questions, but to simply allow yourself to ask. Let your mind feel the question and then ask another question before you negate your answer with logic.

  • What if my body felt like I could hike a mountain today?
  • What if I met the partner of my dreams today?
  • What if I had so much money I could donate $100,000 to a great cause?
  • What if I had the means to travel to anywhere in the world?
  • What if my body was in perfect health?

Remember feeling good is necessary to attracting your dreams. When you feel you are pushing, you are not in the place of alignment. When you are frustrated or impatient, you are not where you need to be. Use a feel-good technique to attract what you desire.

Sherry Winn is an author, EFT Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction and Master Life Coach and a motivational speaker, whose topics include “Making the Impossible Possible,” “Loving Challenges,” and “Catching Your Dreams.” As a former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 in the sport of team handball and head collegiate coach for 23 years, she possesses a deep passion for helping others become motivated to reach their highest levels of success.

Winn overcame her fears and limitations when she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 different medical professionals there was no answer. Through books, meditation, mentors and Webinars, she discovered the power of healing through positive thinking. 

To receive a free 50-minute Law of Attraction coaching session, or more information about Winn, she can be contacted by email at, through her website at or on Facebook.