VIDEO: Ditch the Dirty Products (Non-Toxic Living) with Tammy Mastroberte

Living an Elevated Existence means nurturing the Mind, Body and Spirit, and when we think of “body” we often think about diet and exercise.

We drink our green juice, go to yoga or spin class, and try to eat clean.

But what about the products you are using on your body?

Your makeup, hair products, skin care, body wash and hand soap — are they raising your vibration and vitality or are they compromising your hormones, immune system and overall health?

We need to get smarter about the products we are using on our body, as the skin is the largest organ we have and it absorbs everything — good and bad.

In the below video, I share some of the top ingredients you should avoid, some non-toxic and clean products I love, a couple of apps to help you check the products you own and more!

Plus, download my Clean Beauty Worksheet for links to my favorite articles detailing what ingredients to avoid, some of my favorite non-toxic makeup, skincare and body brands, online non-toxic and clean beauty sites (that offer a variety or clean brands), and my favorite Instagram or Youtube experts on all things non-toxic!

Download the Clean Beauty PDF for brand recommendations, toxic ingredients to avoid and more!

Join Tammy for “How to Raise Your (& Your Environment’s) Vibration Class on Feb. 7 here.

VIDEO: 10-Minute Manifestation with Tammy Mastroberte

If I could help you speed up your manifestation process, and it only required 10 minutes per day, could you find the time to do it?

Would you find the time to do it?

In this video, I share a tip I got years ago when I interviewed bestselling author Jack Canfield, who was in the movie The Secret, and teaches on the law of attraction and success.

And it only takes 10 minutes each day.

In fact, you could even break it up into 5 minutes twice per day.

In the below video I share it with you, and check out the links under the video for more tips when it comes to manifestation!

Join Tammy for “How to Raise Your (& Your Environment’s) Vibration Class on Feb. 7 here.

Watch the “Create an Elevated Year” Series here.

Watch “One Thing NOT to Do When Manifesting” here.

Watch “Find Your Personal Limiting Beliefs” here.

VIDEO: Make Anything Feel Good to Manifest More by Tammy Mastroberte

Is there anything you do on a daily or weekly basis  . . .  or even only once each year  . . .  that you don’t enjoy?

Or that you may even dread?

Did you know that any time you don’t feel good, it drags down your vibration and your ability to attract the positive things you desire?

In this video, I offer some ways you can make ANYTHING you do feel GOOD. Seriously!

Try one of these the next time you are faced with a task at home, work or anywhere else that you don’t enjoy, and watch the energy change!

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel for first access to these videos & more!

VIDEO: Find Your Personal Limiting Beliefs

We all have limiting beliefs preventing us from manifesting, co-creating what we really desire, and finding more happiness and peace within us.

But how do we know which ones are effecting us personally?

We hear so much about the importance of finding and changing our limiting beliefs, but have you ever found yourself stuck on exactly how to find your personal beliefs tripping you up?

The key is accessing the subconscious mind — which actually represents almost 90 percent of our total brain function according to science — and in the below video, I show you a quick method on how to do that.

Listen, you can do all the clearing and affirmations in the world, but until you are working on the EXACT beliefs that are an issue for you, you won’t see changes very quickly, if at all in some cases.

So watch this video and get started on finding YOUR limiting beliefs — and having fun while doing it!

Subscribe to the Youtube Channel for first access to these videos here!

Download your FREE Gratitude Meditation here!

VIDEO: How to Handle Unexpected Challenges (the Elevated Way!)

We can’t get around it, no matter how hard we try.

Life WILL throw us an unexpected curve ball from time to time.

Sometimes it knocks us down hard, and at other times it’s just a mild annoyance.

But whether the challenge is big or small, it can really throw us for a loop — if we let it. I’m talking about:

  • The death of a loved one
  • A divorce or end of a relationship/friendship
  • Diagnosis of an illness
  • Moving to a new home because of your job/or your partners
  • Loss of money in some way
  • Not passing a test
  • A flight delay
  • A business deal falls through

The list goes on and on, and it’s something we all face. BUT what if there was a more elevated way of handling unexpected challenges?

Well, there IS, and I share my 5-steps to handling them as they pop up in this video!

Watch the video “How to Call in Elevated Help” here.
Subscribe to the Youtube channel for early access to videos here.

VIDEO: How to Call in Elevated Help

Have you ever struggled to make a decision on something?

Have you ever wished things in your life could run more smoothly or easily?

Well, then let me share with you my secret weapon — I call it my “Elevated Reinforcements,” and we ALL have access to it.

I’m talking about our angels, guides, loved ones who have passed on, and all those on the other side helping us navigate this life. When we remember to ask for their help, miracles happen!

I call them in every morning AND in specific situations where I need some extra help in the moment, and they continue to amaze me every day. In this video I share how you can do the same and give you examples on who you can call on for different scenarios.

Subscribe to the YouTube channel for early access to these videos each week here!